Chapter 10: I Like You Only A Little

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10. I Like You Only A Little

"In other news, actor Josh Martin was spotted out last night with none other than Morgan Hall, Amber and Mark Hall's seventeen year old daughter. Not to mention the sister of rising star Jean Hall. The pair was spotted leaving the Inn Hotel last night and were bombarded with paparazzi. Cameras caught them in a little PDA moment as Josh affectionately kissed Morgan goodbye on the cheek. The two got to know each other after doing a photoshoot to promote her mother's new collection. There are speculations that Morgan could very well be the new brand ambassador for H by Hall. As for whether these two are officially a couple, we are yet to confirm. However, they were spotted getting cozy during the shoot at Central Park. Both refrained from answering any questions last night but we have reason to believe they'd want to keep it private. Josh Ma-"

I turned off the tv. I had heard enough. E! News wasn't helping my mood this morning. It was all Josh and his stupid stunt for publicity.

I heard a knock on my door and turned. Maisie stood there leaning on the door post.

"You're going to be late for school you know," she said.

I sighed. "I was just leaving."

"Don't you want any breakfast?" she asked me, looking concerned.

I shook my head. "I don't really have an appetite."

She offered me a sympathetic smile. "This is about the news isn't it?"

"It's all false!" I groaned.

She chuckled. "They'll find out eventually. Don't think about it. Now come on, get going."

I smiled at her in gratitude. She'd taken care of me since I was ten and at seventeen I still needed her. Not as much, but she still promised to stick around until I turned eighteen and went off to college or something.

"I'll be right down," I told her.

She winked and went back downstairs.

I got up from my bed and followed her.

"Sure you don't want anything to eat?" she asked.

"I'm fine, thanks," I replied before leaving the house and getting into my car.


I felt eyes on me as I walked down the hall to my locker. As expected Shannon was waiting for me.

"You've got a lot of explaining to do missy," she chuckled.

"You've heard too? Shocker," I muttered sarcastically.

"I thought you weren't even that thrilled to go out with him. Now all of a sudden you're getting all up close and personal, in front of cameras no less."

"If the cameras had paid closer attention they would have also caught me telling him to fuck off," I told her.

"Good, because something clearly wasn't right about that situation," she said. "Spill."

I sighed. "He asked me out and then invited the media as well. I was just a headline to him."

"What an asshole," she remarked, a look of disgust on her face.

"Right?" I agreed. "But hey, it worked. Now I'm popular for the wrong reasons and he got his share of the fame."

"It'll blow over," she sympathized.

"I hope so," I said.

I heard a camera stutter close by. I turned and noticed Macy with her phone pointed at me.

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