Chapter 1: I'm Not Perfect

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1. I'm Not Perfect

"Alright," Davide sang. "Beautiful. You're gorgeous Miss Hall. Tilt your head a bit. A little to the right. No, not your right, mine."

I sighed. "Davide can we take a five or something? Or end? My neck's tired."

He stopped snapping. "Sure Miss Hall. Take some minutes off and we'll resume in a bit."

"But what's wrong with the ones you already took?" I groaned.

"Nothing, you're absolutely stunning," he replied. "But you know your mother, she craves perfection."

"That I do," she said as she strutted in, wearing a blazer and pencil skirt with her Michael Kors handbag slung over her wrist. Not leaving out the Jimmy Choos on her feet. She rose my chin gently and smiled. "Hey honey."

"I'm tired and I want to go home," I told her.

She took of her shades and put them in her handbag. "Oh Morgan, stop whining. It's just a photoshoot. Walk with me."

I got up from the stool I was sitting on and followed her like a puppy. "You're not even going to use most of what he took. Why not just pick one now and get it over with?"

"Sweetheart, this line has to be spectacular," she said. "And the faces that represent them have to be...perfect."

"I'm not perfect mom," I muttered. "Nobody is."

She stopped and tucked some of my hair behind my ear and kissed my forehead. "I know honey, and I'm not asking you to be. I'm just really feeling the pressure of releasing this line you know?"

I sighed and nodded. "Yeah I know. Don't worry, I'll just take a five and get back to Davide."

She beamed. "That's the spirit. And thank you honey, for filling in for Anna. You really saved me there."

Anna was supposed to be the model in my place, enduring countless hours of fittings and photo shoots. She called in sick and my mom turned to the easiest person she could get who would also do it for free - me.

"Mrs. Hall, the papers you sent for have arrived," Maurice, her assistant announced as he approached us. "You have a few things to sign. Then lunch with Mr. Dawson from the editing company at 12:30 and then..."

I didn't hear the rest of what he said, mentally blacking out the moment he began narrating my mother's busy schedule. Instead my eyes fixed themselves on a monitor, where a story was being done on rising star Jean Hall.

"She's stunning isn't she?" mom said softly. I nodded, looking at my 21 year old sister, in all her brown skinned glory.

"Yeah." Jean had moved to LA to fulfil her music career. Her record label insisted that she move out there. She had a good face so I wasn't so shocked when I ended up seeing her on a few movie screens too.

Mom sighed. "Well honey, the day awaits me. Call me when you're done with the shoot okay? I'll have Maurice take you home."

I shook my head. "That's okay. I drove here."

"All the better," she chirped. "I have to go now sweetie. I'll see you later."

"Bye mom," I said flatly as she strutted off with Maurice.

Ladies and gentle men, Amber Hall, aka my mother.


I woke up and got ready for school. Sterling Academy. It was your usual private, preppy school. The uniform consisting of a blue blazer over a white short or long sleeved shirt and red tie paired with a red and black plaid skirt. Despite the fact that my mom owned her own fashion label and my dad was businessman extraordinaire, I didn't mind the uniform. I thought it was cute. Plus that meant I didn't have to worry about choosing outfits everyday or my mom giving judgements about them when she was around. I slipped on some light knee high socks and wore my heels, buckling them and standing up. I ran my fingers through my kinky black curls and sighed before going downstairs.

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