Chapter 36: Kill Him And Then Move To Mexico

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36. Kill Him And Then Move To Mexico

"We need to talk?" I repeated. "We need to talk?! What the hell does that mean? That's what you say to someone when you want to tell them you're dying. Oh my God! What if that's why he's been ignoring me? What if we've been destined to fail ever since we met?!"

"Okay, calm your tits," Shannon said. "He's probably healthy, and he probably just needs to talk to you."

"Oh God he's going to flat out reject me isn't he?" I panicked. "He didn't have the time to do it the other day."

"Oh for fucks sake," Shannon groaned and then snatched my phone out of my hands to type something. She showed it to me.

M: Sure, when and where?

My phone buzzed again less than ten seconds later.

A: Pinned location.
Meet me here today after school

Shannon quickly replied.

M: Okay, I'll see you

She gave me back my phone. "Once again, what would you do without me?"

I let out a breath. "I hope this ends well."

"It will," she laughed as the bell rang. "Now get to class and stop overthinking this."

"Overthinking comes with my default settings Shan, I can't get rid of it," I said. "I'll let you know how it goes."

"You better," she winked and then walked away.

I sighed, and then went off to my class as well.


Nothing about my trigonometry lesson interested me, nor did any other lesson I had for the rest of the day. I was too busy freaking out about meeting Aaron. We hadn't spoken in two weeks, what on earth were we going to say to each other?

Nevertheless I drove to the location he sent me, and I came to a stop in the parking lot in front of the small building. I got out of my car, and I immediately saw him just a few feet away, leaning on his motorcycle.

It hit me how much I had missed him and my heart clenched in my chest. He had become such a part of my routine that it felt so odd when he was missing.

He heard my footsteps as I drew closer and looked up from his phone, putting it in his pocket.

"Hey," he said.

I smiled softly. "Hey."

A few lingering seconds passed and he spoke.

"Come on in."

I followed him inside the store and looked around. It was a small vintage store, with a lot of records displayed all around.

I remembered what he told me. "Is this-"

"The music store I've been coming to since forever? he finished. "Yeah. Told you I'd bring you here sometime."

I smiled.

A man came through a door in the corner, carrying a box.

"Oh hey Aaron," he greeted. "Who's your friend?"

"Hi Jay," Aaron said. "This is Morgan. Morgan, meet Jay, he runs the store."

"Nice to meet you," I said.

"So Aaron I guess you finally decided to go on that perfect date huh?" Jay winked.

Aaron shook his head and let out a nervous laugh. "No, no this isn't that."

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