Chapter 26: He's A Walking STD

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26. He's A Walking STD

"See, you've got it," I laughed.

"Can't do it as well as you though," Aaron chuckled, picking up a ribbon.

"Yeah well practice makes perfect," I shrugged, adjusting my position on the floor beside him.

"You better teach this to Justin the next time he's over," Ayana said before sucking on her lollipop.

Aaron chuckled. "Yes ma'am."

Justin's mom needed him at home so he left as soon as they were done with the bookcase.

"Now hold still Flower," he told her, trying to tie the pink ribbon around her sleek ponytail before it undid itself.

"I am still, like always," Ayana groaned. "You just need more stable hands. Justin 2.0 everyone."

"Don't mess up the braid at the side," I told him.

"Okay okay," he said. "Damn you girls are demanding."

I laughed. I couldn't help but stare at him as he tried to tie a perfect bow. I brought my phone out and took a picture.

"What are you doing?" he chuckled.

"You just look so cute concentrating like that," I laughed, a little surprised that I called him cute so casually.

"You make me blush Hall," he said.

"I just sent it to you," I told him. "That would make a cute wallpaper."

He chuckled, and then frowned. "Damn it, why won't this stupid bow cooperate."

I shook my head. "Here, let me help."

I took the ribbon from him, and for the brief moment that our hands touched I felt like I had been jolted with electricity.

I wonder if he felt it too.

I tied a perfect bow effortlessly and smiled at my work.

"There," I beamed. "Perfect."

I looked up and found him staring at me with one of those cute half-smiles on his face.

"Mhmm," he said softly. "Perfect."

How is it that every time I'm around this boy I forget how to breathe?

"How do I look?" Ayana asked, breaking our moment.

I immediately tore my gaze from Aaron's. "Uh..."

"Beautiful," Aaron told her. "You look really beautiful Flower."

"Can I see?" she chirped.

I looked around, not seeing a mirror anywhere close.

"Here," Aaron said, handing her his phone with his front camera open.

"Huh," she said. "Surprise surprise, you don't suck."

"You can just say thank you," Aaron told her.

She looked up at him and wrapped her arms around his torso. "I love it."

He chuckled and hugged her back.

Jesus Christ could he get any cuter?

"In fact," Aaron continued, taking his phone. "Let's remember this shall we? Morgan get in here."

I smiled, touched at the fact that he wanted me in on their photo. He set a timer and then placed the phone against one of the legs of the coffee table in front of us.

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