Chapter 21: Lean On Me

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21. Lean On Me


Morgan, you pathetic girl. What the hell are you doing?

"I...I..." I sobbed.

What, did you expect to talk to him and then everything would be sunshine and rainbows? He wasn't your fairy god mother for crying out loud.

"Morgan are you okay?" Aaron asked sounding worried. "Are you crying?"

"I...I'm fine," I lied. "Sorry I bothered you."

"You're crying," he stated. "Mor-"

I hung up, not waiting for him to finish and then stood up and flung my phone against the wall in frustration. I kicked off my heels and buried my face in my palms, dropping onto the floor beside my bed and crying some more in the darkness.

I sat there feeling sorry for myself for about fifteen minutes before there was a knock at my door.

"Leave me alone, fuck!" I spat.

"Morgan?" Aaron's voice called. "Morgan it's me, Aaron."

I stayed silent and got up from the floor, not knowing if I should open the door or not. I was pathetic and didn't want him to see me like this.

"Morgan I'm coming in," he said. "Is that okay?"

I stayed silent.

"If you want me to go just say so," he continued. "Just let me hear your voice okay? Please."

I didn't know what to say to him.

"I'm worried," he said. "So I'm going to take your silence as a yes to coming in."

He opened the door slowly and stepped inside. My breath hitched when I saw his figure. He stepped closer and I could see him clearly.

"I came as soon as you hung up," he began. "Um...Maisie, that's her name, she let me in through the back."

"You didn't have to," I said softly.

"I know, but I wanted to," he said. "Was that bad?"

I only shook my head.

"Good," he nodded and then proceeded to envelope me in his arms, hugging me tightly.

There came the water works again.

"I don't know what happened but I'm sorry," he whispered as I laid my head on his chest and wrapped my arms around his waist.

"Sad isn't it?" I chuckled sourly. "I'm a drunk mess. Plus I'm crying in my own home and I don't even have anyone there for me. I don't have anyone..."

He cupped my face. "Hey, I'm here aren't I?"

He hugged me again and my head rested on his chest under his chin.

"You have me Morgan," he mumbled, placing a soft kiss on my forehead. "You have me."


We sat at the foot of my bed in silence, listening to the music that played softly from his iPod. He didn't ask questions, he just held me while I cried.

"You okay?" he asked softly.

I nodded. "I will be."

It was probably about two thirty in the morning and here we were, me a sad sad girl and him the amazing guy he was.

"It's late," I mumbled.

He sighed. "Right, I wouldn't want to put you in more trouble. I should go."

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