Chapter 53: You Lucky Lying Bitch

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Keep reading after this chapter guys, it's a double update!

53. You Lucky Lying Bitch

Time flew by so quickly it surprised me. Soon, hours turned into days, and days turned into weeks, and in the blink of an eye winter fled and spring took its seat. March had taken away most of the snow, but there was still intermittent rain among the sunny days.

Aaron and I had been together for four months, and every single moment of it was perfect. He was the perfect boyfriend and he treated me like I was gold. And knowing about his double life made things so much better between us. I loved him, and he loved me, and we were happy.

It was the week before spring break and I was so nervous. Early admissions college acceptance letters would be out the week after the break. I had applied to NYU, UC Berkeley, Howard University and Dartmouth for early admissions. Not that I had a shot at getting into Dartmouth anyway, it was mostly me just taking a chance on myself. I had a decent GPA of about a 3.8, plus before my mother roped me into working for her I did quite a number of extracurriculars.

NYU was my top choice though, and getting into their business school was everything to me. I guess my dad was right, after spending so much time with him in his office I took a natural liking and gravitation towards the corporate world. Shannon and I had been talking about going there together. She wanted to study fashion. Sienna was going to take a year off to travel, but she was looking to go to UPenn afterwards. She was a bright girl contrary to how people perceived her, she'd get in easily.

As for Aaron, he didn't speak much about going to college, but that was understandable. He and Justin had the whole music thing going for them. They'd make enough money to last themselves lifetimes.

"Hey," Aaron told me, rubbing circles on my back. "Quit stressing, you'll get in."

"I hope," I muttered as I placed my elbows on the table.

I watched Shannon devour my chicken sandwich since I didn't have the appetite for it. Who knew getting into college was so nerve wrecking?

"And hey, if you get rejected you still have your trust fund going for you," Justin joked, sending a wink my way.

I made a face at him and flipped him off, and he just laughed. Yeah I had a trust fund, but for me it was more about the independence.

Independence from my mother to be specific.

Sienna hit his arm. "Hey, she's really freaking out here."

Shannon smirked at her phone. "Well Morgan, I've got something that'll take your mind off it, you lucky lying bitch."

I rose an eyebrow. "Excuse me?"

"When were you going to tell us that you know who Apollo is?"

Justin dropped his plastic fork and Aaron stiffened beside me, actions that I hoped went unnoticed by the other two girls.

I faked a chuckle. "I don't know who he is."

She showed me the gossip article on her phone. It was a picture of me walking away backstage at Aaron's most recent concert. Both my hand and the one in the pink hoodie and white gloves were outstretched so it was very obvious that he was holding mine before. Thankfully, he was wearing his mask. I don't know what photographer could have snuck that close to capture that.

"Do I smell a fib?" she laughed.

I played it cool. "Shan, you know these sites take everything out of context. I was supposed to meet Liberty but she got sick last minute. I just used my perks to get her an autograph."

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