Chapter 4: You Should Really Stop Giving A Shit

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4. You Should Really Stop Giving A Shit

I didn't find Shannon for the rest of the day after our little argument with the others. I was wondering what was up her ass like Sienna assumed. Well school had ended for the day and I only remembered I hadn't done anything about my car when I stepped out of the building and into the parking lot. And I guess I could forget about Paige's offer to drive me.

"Crap, Morgan you stupid girl," I chided myself.

I sent a text immediately to my dad about it and sighed. I decided to hail a cab this time around. Regardless of what Paige said I didn't want to run into Aaron again. I walked a few steps away from the school so I could get one from beside the street. When I turned at one street corner I bumped into someone.

Well speak of the devil. Or rather think of him.

"Oh um...sorry Aaron," I mumbled.

He rose an eyebrow. "What's your deal. Are you following me or something?"


"," I replied.

"I really don't know what you're playing at but just stay away from me okay?" he said.

I was silent for a minute while he turned his back but I stopped him before he could walk away.

"What the hell is your deal? I've only interacted with you twice yet you act like I murdered your puppy."

He just scoffed. "Look, I really don't have time for you or your kind."

"My kind?" I questioned. "Kindly elaborate on that."

He stared at me for a few seconds then chuckled. "Nah, you don't want me to."

"On the contrary I do," I challenged.

"The people like you who walk around like you expect the whole world to kneel before you," he said.

"Excuse me?"

"Am I wrong princess?" he asked. "You and your whole school walk around here like you're better than everybody who wasn't born with a platinum spoon in their mouths."

"Okay first of all, don't call me that. It's fucking cliché," I told him. "Second of all, a platinum spoon? I think that's a bit exaggerated. And lastly, you don't know anything about me, so you don't get to judge me based on the stereotypical portrayal of 'rich kids' that you see on tv."

"Whatever," he scoffed.

"I don't have to prove anything to you," I said. "You're just going to keep thinking the way you do anyway."

"Never said you had to," he said.

"You think this sort of life is everything?" I asked. "That because I go to some prep school and whatever everything's a hundred percent okay? Okay sure, there are some who let it get to their heads, but inside Sterling are kids who have real problems, just like anybody else. But they're not allowed to talk about it right? Because they have money, like that fixes everything."

For a moment I thought he looked like he realized that he'd actually hurt my feelings. He was about to speak but I interrupted.

"You're right about one thing though." I added. "And I don't think I want anything to do with you either. from now on I won't bother you, and you don't bother me."

I pushed past him and walked to the end of the street, where I got a cab and went straight home.


I barely paid attention to what Jean was saying to me. It was selfish of me but I couldn't help but think of what Aaron said to me earlier. I'm the middle of our conversation she got a text saying she had to meet her agent and left. I was by myself in the living room, wrapped in a blanket and eating cookie dough ice cream when Maisie walked in.

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