Chapter 2: You Really Need Some Excitement In Your Life

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2. You Really Need Some Excitement In Your Life

After school I made my way to the parking lot. I wasn't so enthused at the fact that I had to drive to the hotel but I couldn't do anything about it. Besides, dad may just take off again to wherever work calls him tomorrow so it was best I spent time with him now. My phone died during my last period but he was probably trying to call me.

My car refused to start when I got in. I tried a second time, and then again, but still the engine refused to come alive.

"Oh come on," I muttered before stepping out of the red convertible.

I spotted Paige and Sienna.

"Guys," I called. "Do you think you can give me a ride to The Inn?"

"The Inn?" Paige asked. "That's in the opposite direction of where we're headed."

"Oh, well where are you going?"

"There's a sale going on at Sephora," Sienna gushed. "And we have to make it in time before the store closes."

"Didn't you go shopping for this kinda stuff like two days ago?" I questioned.

"Oh Morgan, what's a sale if you don't take advantage of it?" Paige asked. "We'll see you."

She strutted off with Sienna while I just leaned on my car and huffed. I would have asked Shannon but she had already left. She ditched last period with believe it or not, Cole. Just great.

I stood there for a few seconds before seeing a bus pull up at the stop. I checked my time and weighed my options. Right now I had no other choice. I had never taken the bus before. Ah well, there was a first time for everything wasn't there?

I walked to the stop and got on. All eyes were on me as I walked down the aisle to find a seat.

"She's from Sterling," a girl whispered to her friend after not so subtly pointing at my blazer.

Most of these kids were from  Lincoln High, the public school literally right next to ours. We shared the same courtyard even, but it was basically theirs as only a few of us from Sterling ever sat there. I ignored them and took a seat on the very last row.

A plump kid in the seat in front of me turned. "You better get up. I guess he decided to use the bus today."

I knitted my eyebrows in confusion. "Um, who exactly?"

He immediately squeaked and turned back. I lifted my gaze however and was met with the most intimidating pair of green eyes I had ever seen. He was definitely not lacking in looks. He attended Lincoln. I had seen him in the courtyard before. His hair was a dirty shade of blonde, and his gaze was fixed on only one thing - me.

"Um...hello?" I said.

"Get up," he said.

I frowned. "No."

"Excuse me?"

"I said no," I repeated. "You heard me."

"No," he echoed.

I shrugged. "I was here first. Besides, I don't see your name written anywhere."

He brought his face closer to mine. "Look girl, I want to be alone, and you're in my spot. Now I'm asking nicely, move."

"It's just a seat mister," I said. "There are plenty of 'em to go around. Pick another one, because I'm not moving."

He didn't say anything after that. He only stared at me for about five more seconds and sat down at the edge of the seat, next to the other window. What was his deal anyway? Designated bus seat? Please.

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