Chapter 24: I Don't Sweat, I Shimmer

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24. I Don't Sweat, I Shimmer

I trudged to Shannon's locker after Biology so we could head to lunch together.

She grinned when she saw me. "There's the champion."

I rolled my eyes, smiling. "Hey Shan."

"Seriously, you dragged that bitch," she said. "Kudos to you."

I smirked. "She had it coming."

"Well well well, miss I can't keep my hands to myself," Macy remarked, walking up to us.

"Selena Gomez?" I questioned sarcastically, looking around.

"Oh my God Morgan," Shannon fake gasped. "She speaks."

Macy rolled her eyes. "Very funny."

"Don't you have Paige to attend to?" I asked her. "She's going to need someone to tell her that her make up covers the bruise on her face."

"Anyway, we had a nice time in P.E. huh?" Shannon smirked, causing Macy to roll her eyes again.

"What happened?" I asked.

"We played a fun game of soccer," she grinned.

"Yeah, fun for you because you kept aiming at my face and tackling me while sweating like a pig," Macy scoffed.

"Sweating?" Shannon chuckled and then flipped her hair over her shoulder. "Oh honey I don't sweat, I shimmer."

I laughed while Macy rolled her eyes yet again.

"You wouldn't look so smug if you knew what was coming to you Shannon," she smirked.

"I'm so scared," Shannon said dryly.

"Okay, if I don't get food into my stomach soon, I'm going to hulk out," I said. "Mace, we'd love to stay here and with you, but you know...priorities."

"Bye!" Shannon grinned sarcastically as I pulled her by her arm.

We got food from the cafeteria and then went on to find a table outside in the courtyard.

"Why are we sitting here and not at our usual spot?" I asked, not that I really minded.

"Oh hush," she told me.

I rolled my eyes but sat down anyway.

"So," Shannon began. "Have you thought about what you're going to do about your Aaron situation?"

I sighed and opened my bottle of water. "I'm going to tell him I like him. And well, I'll just hope he tells me what I want to hear."

She put her hand on my shoulder. "I'm proud of you."

I chuckled and then took a bite from the apple I was holding.

"Talked to Cole yet?" I asked her.

"As a matter of fact I have," she beamed. "Well texted, but we're hanging out after school today."

I nodded. "Good for you. I still don't like him, but good for you."

She chuckled. "Hey, my mom is out of town for a couple of days. Wanna come spend the weekend?"

"Yes," I answered without hesitation. I was eager to get out of my house. "I'll be over Friday night."

"It's a party then," she winked.


I looked up and saw Justin, who was followed by Aaron.

"Justin, Aaron," Shannon smirked.

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