Chapter 39: The Only Kind Of Running I Do

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39. The Only Kind Of Running I Do

Well, my mom was able to get security to drive away the paparazzi from Jean's loft, but she still came back home anyway. They followed us around, her more than me. I could survive them as long as they kept their distance and didn't corner me every second.

I didn't talk to my mom much, but we didn't argue either. Jean was the common ground that got us to be civil to each other I guess.

All this was exhausting.

"Miss Hall?" Mr. Wilden called.

My eyes snapped back to meet his.

"You're not paying attention," he observed.

I sat up. "Sorry."

He nodded and went back to saying whatever it was that I didn't listen to. I glanced at Sienna. Her eyes were fixed on the board, but I could tell she wasn't present either. She barely said anything to me after telling me off in the hallway the other day.

When class was over, she was out of there faster than lightning.

I adjusted my backpack on my shoulder before heading out to the courtyard. Autumn was definitely here, and soon enough we'd have to start eating lunch in the cafeteria because it would start snowing.

I spotted Aaron standing at his end and went to meet him.

He greeted me by kissing me on the cheek. "Hey."

I got shy when it came to any form of PDA, but I ignored the stares. We had been going out for almost two weeks, and every time he kissed me and people were around they would look at us like we just stepped out of a spaceship that landed from Mars. It was crazy, I know.

"How's Jean?"

"For the thousandth time, she's doing okay," I smiled. "A lot of legal stuff, but she'll be fine."

"I know," he chuckled lightly. "I just can't shake the sight. If anyone touched my sister like that I would decapitate him and hang his head up so he can watch me maim the rest of his body."


I cocked an eyebrow. "Have you been talking to Shannon?"

He chuckled. "She has a very twisted way of thinking."

Speaking of Shannon.

"Hey losers!" I heard her call. "Over here."

I looked over and saw her sitting at a lunch table away from our school's side, with Justin.

I shook my head and pulled Aaron along with me.

"Ah young love," Justin joked. "Makes you want to puke doesn't it?"

"Shut up," Aaron retorted.

"So, which do you like best?" Shannon gushed, sliding a paper towards me.

I stared at the list. "Uh...what is this?"

"The names of your children silly," she replied with an eye roll. "Justin thinks my names are shit so prove him wrong."

"These are much better," Justin said, passing his own paper.

Aaron arched an eyebrow and began reading. "Justin the second, Justin the third, Justin the fourth, Justine, Justina...dude...we are not naming our children after you."


I stopped them from going any further, pretending that Aaron didn't just casually talk about our possible future kids. "Okay, can we hop off the crazy train for a second? One step at a time please."

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