Chapter 31: She Didn't Come Here To See Magic Mike

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31. She Didn't Come Here To See Magic Mike

I excused myself from class early so I could go and wait in front of Shannon's. I hadn't seen her all morning and I figured I'd given her enough space already.

I missed my crazy ass bitch.

The bell rang signaling lunch and students began filing out into the hallway.

Shannon stepped out, saw me and sighed. "What do you want?"

I rose up the jar of Nutella and breadsticks. "Peace offering?"

She brushed her long blonde hair out of her face and cleared her throat. "Are you trying to bribe me?"

I rose up the can of Dr. Pepper in my other hand. "Is it working?"

She kept her poker face and took them, putting them in her bag. "Depends. If you're trying to buy my friendship with food then you'll have to do better. What else you got?"

I chuckled. Classic Shannon.

I reached into my backpack and pulled out the big guns. A small Tupperware bowl containing lasagna.

She eyed it.

"This has MJ written all over it," I said, swirling it in front of her face.

"Damn you Morgan Nicole," she said, snatching the bowl from me. "You know I can't resist Nana J."

I laughed. "I came prepared."

"I taught you well young grasshopper," she said.

"I'm sorry," I apologized. "I saw Paige and Cole talking and I automatically thought the worst."

She shrugged, slinging her arm around my shoulder. "You've gotta see the good in people Morgan, like me!"

I chuckled as we began walking to the courtyard.

"But hey, I'd be lying if I said it didn't bother me. I asked him about it actually," she said.


She nodded. "Hell yeah. Look Morgan, frankly the only reason I was so annoyed is because a part of me knew you could be right. I trust you more than anyone, so you thinking something like that is off gives me every right to question it too. Plus, if it were me you would have followed up too."

I smiled. I loved that I had this kind of loyalty in my life.

"Well what did he say?" I asked.

She sighed, sitting down opposite me. "Oh Paige was just being Paige. Blackmailing is her favorite pastime I guess. She basically just threatened him saying she'd tell me me about his last girlfriend and how he cheated on her with two other girls."

Fifty points to whoever can tell me where Cole Andrews belongs.

"But he told you himself?" I asked.

She nodded. "Came clean and all. And I'm not going to use his past mistakes to judge him you know, I think he's really changed."

You think?

Stop thinking the worst Morgan.

I just smiled. "Good, I hope he has too."

We ate up, her finishing every single bite of the lasagna I brought her, eating all the breadsticks with Nutella and then drowning the soda. She burped loudly when the bell went.

"Now that was a good lunch," she grinned.

I shook my head and laughed. "Fat ass."

"That's the goal isn't it?" she winked and got up. "Let's get to class shall we?"

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