Chapter 12: Top Secret

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12. Top Secret

"Um, okay, so what do we do?" Aaron asked.

"We get out of their sight," I sighed. "Unless you want to see your face all over magazines."

"I'd rather not," he chuckled. "Think they got anything?"

"I doubt," I said. "Though they'd probably follow me."

He got up. "Come on."

"Where to?"

"Your car, we're getting out of here," he answered.

"They're just going to follow us," I said again.

"Not if we lose them," he told me. "Give me your keys and let's go."

I did as he asked and we both got into the car, him behind the wheel.

"Huh," he joked. "I never thought the first time I drove a Bentley would be under such conditions."

"Yeah well sorry to take away your experience," I muttered, before going on to ask, "Wait, what about your motorcycle?"

"I like to walk sometimes Morgan," he said as he put the car in drive. "It's good for the environment."

I rolled my eyes and he chuckled.

"Yup, you were right," he observed, looking through the rear-view mirror. "Black van just a couple of cars behind us."

I sighed and sunk into the passenger seat. This is what I was afraid of. If I couldn't even go to the park without being watched every second of every minute then what the hell could I do? A lot of people saw this life on tv and wished they had it, but stuff like this sucked. I wanted to be able to go to the park, or to a regular coffee shop, or to the city library, or to an amusement park, like any regular person. Up until now I had, but I guess the extra popularity from my mother's shoot and Josh's stupid stunt meant that all of that was going to start changing.

I wonder how my sister does it.

"Where are we going?" I asked him.

"Where we might be able to lose them," he simply replied.

I nodded and let him drive. We went in circles once or twice before he sped off into a nice neighborhood, stopping in front of a house.

"Where are we?" I asked.

"My house," he answered. "Sorry, this was the only place I could think of. I mean what at all would Morgan Hall be doing in a regular neighborhood right? We can go if you want."

I shook my head, looking back. "No, it's okay. You were right though, so thanks."

The vans following us were nowhere to be seen now.

He chuckled and got out. "Come on then."

I hopped out of the vehicle as well and he threw me my keys, me making a perfect catch. I followed him to the door and he unlocked it, leading me inside. No one was home. Inside looked and felt nice and homey.

"It's not a palace, but it's home sweet home," he chuckled, falling back onto the sofa.

I rolled my eyes. "Do I look like I want to be standing in a palace right now Aaron?"

I sat beside him, feeling a little awkward and smiled at the family photo on the table beside the couch.

"This is a nice picture," I remarked, gently picking up the small frame.

He was in it, as well as a happy looking man and woman and an adorable little girl. They were lying on the grass probably in what was their backyard, looking like they were all soaking wet. It wasn't forced, or scheduled. Believe me I had been in so many family portrait photoshoots faking a smile for the camera. There were days I did, and there were days I didn't want to be there. This picture wasn't like that. It was natural, effortless, like they were all just having fun one day and decided to document the moment. Nobody probably had to fly in or leave as soon as it was over so they could get back to their jobs or lives.

"Yeah," agreed with a smile.

"Your dad's in the army?" I asked him after noticing another picture with the same man, but this time in uniform.

He sighed. "Yeah, he's stationed right now. We took that other picture the last time he was home."

"When was that?" I asked.

"Seven months ago," he answered.

"Oh, I'm sorry about that," I said softly.

He laughed. "Don't be. I don't like it, and my mom worries like crazy all the time but...if he didn't do it, or if others didn't do it, who would? He's brave, that I like."

I smiled, heart-warmed.

"My mom, my sister and I, we look out for one another," he continued. "He looks out for an entire country."

I chuckled. "Still, I know what it feels like when your parents are gone for a long time. And not that what my parents do comes anything close to how dangerous you dad's work is, but I know it sucks. So Aaron I respect you for your perspective."

He smiled at me, and then the doorbell rang, and then rang, and then rang again. Whoever that was was one impatient human being.

Aaron rolled his eyes and got up. "Give me a second will you?"

I nodded in amusement as he left to go and open the door. I could hear the other person's voice.

"Can you be any more rude?" Aaron asked.

"What's rude is keeping someone waiting at the door," the guy said.

"Oh please, you barely stood there for two minutes yet you were ringing the doorbell like a madman," Aaron countered.

"Whatever, I came to-"

The boy stopped mid-sentence when he saw me.

"Hi," I said shyly.

He looked at Aaron. "Am I interrupting something bro?"

Aaron rolled his eyes. "No, stupid."

"I'm Morgan," I told him.

He studied my face. "Wait a minute, girl from across the courtyard...and on tv. Why the hell are you friends with Aaron? I'm Justin by the way."

I chuckled as he shook my hand. "Nice to meet you Justin."

"No seriously, why are you friends with him," he joked. "Did you not notice the dark cloud he carries over his head everywhere he goes?"

"That cloud seems to be clearing up," I laughed, looking at Aaron who just stood there shaking his head.

"Did you have anything important to tell me or are you just here to annoy me with your presence as usual?" Aaron asked him.

"Oh right," Justin said. "Let's talk in the kitchen shall we?"

Aaron sighed. "Just a second Morgan."

"Sure," I chuckled.

They both went into the kitchen and about two minutes later Aaron walked out. "Morgan, I'm sorry but I have to do something I forgot about."

I cocked an eyebrow. "You have to do something?"

"Yes he does," Justin followed. "And he needs to leave now."

"Um...okay," I said, getting up. "Is it top secret or what?"

"Nothing important," Aaron said. "I won't bore you with details."

"Alright then," I told him. "I'll be on my way."

"Sorry," he said. "We'll talk later."

"It's okay," I chuckled. "I should probably get home anyway. Thanks again."

"Yeah, you're welcome," he said as he escorted me to the door.

I got out of his home and entered my car, driving away.

I couldn't help but think how weird that was. He seemed almost eager for me to leave so he and Justin could go wherever they said they needed to be. But I guess it wasn't my business anyway, though I couldn't deny that I was a little curious.


I wanted to share more about Aaron in this chapter :). Your feedback so far has been amazing and I'm so happy! You guys are the best.

- amani

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