Chapter Five

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She woke up, her vision encased in a blinding white light, her senses were a bit foggy, as she slowly but surely sat up from her laying position. The ancient magic of connecting someone's psyche to another was an impressive spell, however, the aftermath wasn't near any praise for it is somewhat a part of forbidden magic concerning how fatal it may cause to the one who casted the spell.

Right, her student, Cyno- how is he? She thought, clutching the rims of the comforter that hides the lower half of her body, as she let her half-lidded eyes get accustomed at her surroundings. There was no doubt, that the pain she's feeling right now, is twice the pain that Cyno had been experiencing or would experience when he woke up from slumber.

"That man- always going overboard when he can just send me a letter", she sighed wistfully, before turning her head towards the door that clicked open, revealing the young deaconess, Barbara- who immediately rushed to her side the moment she saw her sitting upright and awake.

"Miss Cascade! You're finally awake! You had us worried", she exclaimed, giving her the glass of water that Sister Rosaria recently brought inside the room (just incase the lass wakes up with no one to aid her). "Klee was horrified when she saw you sprawled on the floor inside the library. She tried to shake you awake, but you weren't budging",

"Good Lord Barbatos", Cascade mumbled, guilty at the display that the child saw. Poor Klee must have thought that she was attacked by some unknown species, before rushing up to Jean and alerting the Grandmaster. "Why does it has to be Klee to see me in that state?",

"As I remembered. Klee was looking for you. She was hoping to see you inside the library when that happened", the deaconess replied, with her voice as soft as a feather, as she went to help her stand from the bed when she made a gesture of slipping out of the comforter. "Mr. Albedo was quick to bring you here in the Cathedral, before leaving in order to console Klee",

This time, Cascades brows knitted together as she eyed the young girl that was helping her. They might be the same in height, but it was no bluff that Cascade is older by a year or two. Confusion was eating her whole during that moment, and she let it devour. Her confusion and curiosity came to mix together, ambushing the cat that was soon murdered.

"Why in the world of Teyvat- would the alchemist be involved? As I reckon, he's in Dragonspine doing his research", her tone was obviously higher than usual, indicating her bewilderment. Tho, Barbara only giggled, prompting Cascade to raise her brow in a question.

"Mister Albedo was pulled along with Klee. The child went to Dragonspine with Razor to accompany her, just to bring him along", she replied, as she twirled around in giddiness at the thought of the next part of the story. "Apparently, Klee wanted the three of you to bond for the remainder of the day. . .but unfortunately they ended up seeing you in that position",

"Is that so?", Barbara nodded, which made her pig tails bounce in rhythm. "Sadly, I can't bond with them. I'm in a haste. Thank you Barbara", and with that she whisked out of the room, leaving a deaconess who giddily waved at her parting figure.

She basically treaded the cobblestones of Mond, ignoring the faint call of some people. Her walk turned into a jog, until it turned into a full time sprint, hoping to arrive at the tavern in a much shorter time.

When she reached the place of her desire, Cascade didn't hesitate on slamming the door open, surprising the patrons and the red-head tycoon behind the counter. Diluc was eventually about to swing his claymore towards the culprit of the disturbance- ready to swing it in case it's an ambush- only to refrain himself from doing so, when he noticed the familiar platinum-blonde haired female.

"Sumeru. . .need. . .go", she was all winded out, as she spoke in between breaths. Tho, those three words were enough for Diluc to understand. The mention of Sumeru gave him the hint, and he knew- he knew that the time has come.

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