Special Modern AU Chapter pt.1!🎉

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She watched as he kissed her, eyes filled with love and adoration that was only exclusive for the green-haired alchemist who managed to thaw away the his cold and frozen heart. Ah, yes. Sucrose- what a lovely girl she is- a transfer student whom most boys of her school fell head over heels for, including Albedo, the head of the Alchemy Club. . .the one that she admired the most.

It was no secret throughout the campus that Cascade Ragnvindr- the youngest sister of their professor in mathematics- likes the ever so aloof boy that would only brush her efforts. It hurts so much, seeing as the person she loves so much, was in love with someone else that wasn't her. But who is she to dictate his heart? She is a mere mortal like themselves, and she doesn't wield a power to that of Cupid to arrow his heart and make him love her.

Ah. . .there was it again. The ache.

"Cade! Xiao wants to ask if. . .", Xiangling- one of her best friends- trailed off, observing the platinum-blonde haired female as she stared and watched the couple that were happily talking with each other a few yards ahead. And it made her frown.

"Oh, pardon me, Xiangling. . .but please do tell Xiao that I am leaving early today. My brother wants me home", that was her reply, granting the cookery student a small sad smile, before walking out of the campus gripping the handle of her bag with such ferocity that it may snap into two. She was frustrated, she was devasted, she was. . .why can't he just notice her, instead of Sucrose?

"Xiao. . .", Aether called him, hazel eyes staring worryingly towards the lad whose gaze are currently set on a certain someone outside, watching as a patch of silky platinum locks, disappeared from the distance, when the owner herself, turned around the corner. This prompted him to cross his arms with a scoff, pursing his lips whilst he glared on the ground with noticeable anger.

"She left", The amber eyed male stated, pushing himself off the wall in order to pack some of his school materials back inside his bag. He was eventually planning to take her out after school hours, but that plan was immediately broken when he saw her walk out of the campus, head hung low not wanting to display the emotions that laid on her facial expression. But even if he wasn't able to see her pretty face, he knew. . .

Xiao knew that she is sad. . .and it breaks his heart seeing the girl he adored so much with gloom and rainy clouds.

He wanted to lift up her spirits. He wanted to let her know that she is a diamond, so precious, so beautiful, so majestic that is incomparable to other gems. She deserves the love, the adoration, the respect- and Xiao is willing to show and give her that. He loves her so much, that he couldn't bear to witness her in such state. He wanted to see her smile, a genuine smile that he wasn't able to gaze at after the news of Sucrose and Albedo's relationship, started to spread.

The light that once shone on those mesmerizing chartreuse orbs were no longer seen, now it was dilated with void and pain. Her lips never did rose up in a true smile of joy since then, replaced with a forlorn and fake one that was currently common to the students and professors as of the moment.

"Do you know her address, Aether?", He asked, slinging over his satchel on his shoulder whilst he checked his watch for the time, estimating the hours and minutes before his and her curfew. Apparently, Xiao might or might have not snooped and eavesdropped on Kaeya and Cascade's conversation one time. Luckily, he wasn't caught by the two. It would be a shame if he'd embarrass himself in front of his long time crush.

"Well, ye-",

"Excuse me? Have any of you both seen a green notebook?", Both of them froze on their respective places, surprised to hear that soft and silvery voice that was only owned by non other than the youngest Ragnvindr, Cascade. It was Aether who recovered first, turning his heels towards the sliding door where the lass stood with inquiring green eyes. "I checked my bag in the car but it wasn't in there. I reckon that I must've left it here. It's quite important, all of my notes are written in that notebook and I have to study for tomorrow's exam",

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