Chapter Six

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Mondstadt is as peaceful as always. With the citizens freely doing their own businesses, from the laughing and playing children, down to the melodic tunes of some bards, and to the silent harmony that the cool wind alongside nature brought- everything is indeed the exact same serene that they were all able to bask eversince the god of Anemo Barbatos, ruled over Mond and defeated that tyrant.

However, as for Albedo, even if everything is normal- he couldn't help it but point out the missing piece. He eyed a particular place in the plaza, as he sketched the entirety of the place that caught his interest. One might ask- why would he even sketch a plaza when there is certainly nothing that amazing about it? And boy they were wrong.

In that certain place, he could envision a petite lass, hair tied into a long ponytail that flows in the air along with the hems of the dress she wore- yes, he's imagining her, Cascade Ragnvindr. The pencil smoothly grazed on the delicate paper of his sketchbook, whilst he concentrated on drawing her figure, sitting on one of the bench as she fed the animals that came to surround her with a smile on her face.

Just a few more strokes here, there, and finally his hand halted, as his eyes came to analyze the beauty of his drawing and imagination, only to frown at the result. It wasn't as near as good, in fact, it was horrible in his opinion. Too horrible.

He frustratedly sigh, whilst closing the book that he'd always bring wherever he go. Unbeknownst to him that a certain white pixie had saw the drawing.

"Wow! That sketch is amazing! Can Paimon see it again?",

The alchemist turned his head behind, seeing the familiar duo of Aether and Paimon. The traveller was bashfully scratching his head, whilst Paimon giddily awaited his answer, to her dismay the Kreideprinz merely shook his head.

"No. And please- do me a favor and do not tell others what you have saw", He stated, tucking in his beloved sketchbook inside his coat, securing it in place before facing the traveller once more.

"Paimon just realy want to see your sketch, Albedo. What's wrong with that?", She frustratedly grumbled, crossing both her hands as she sent the alchemist a glare that didn't even bothered him at the slightest.

Aether gave Paimon a warning look, silently telling her to not pry more into the alchemist's personal life, prompting Paimon to bedrugingly agree, since she really wanted to see the drawing. Albedo thanked the traveller for it, gesturing for him to sit as they basked in the warmness of the sun. Tho, for the chalk prince, he feels rather cold.

"It feels rather unusual", Aether suddenly commented as he eyed his sides were a plant resided. He reached up to caress it, bothered at the fact that the flora and the aura it leaked feels so weird. Normally, if Cascade is around, every single plant radiates a happy-go-lucky ambiance, however, today is different.

"I never knew that you're into greenery, Traveller", Albedo responded, fixing his gaze towards the blue canvass above, chuckling afterwards at the sudden thought that occured in his head. "Has Cascade's fondness in plants been rubbing on you?",

The traveller perked up at this. Never had he heard Albedo speak the name of the youngest Ragnvindr. This is a first. Normally, Albedo would always refer to Cascade as 'her', 'she', and 'that female Ragnvindr'- hearing her name roll off his tongue was surely surprisingly new.

"No, I'm not into plants. It's just- don't you notice how forlorn this plant is?", the traveller pointed out as he stood up, only to bend down and examine another plant that was placed near the other. "They all look so sad",

"How can you tell, Aether", Paimon asked, floating beside the male traveller to also join him in examining the said plant, but she couldn't see anything in particular. There was nothing, all of them are healthy. "Seriously. What makes you say that they're sad? Look at their luscious and green leaves! You call that sad? I think they're more in positivity",

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