Chapter Forty-Two

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"Wake up! Snap out of it",

"It's no use, Albedo. . .",

The ash-blonde male desperately tried to snap the lass back to her own consciousness, growing  agitated as time ticked by, yet seeing no signs of recovery, still.

He had been shaking her throughout the hour that came to pass, calling her name out, only to have the receiving end in deaf-ears.

She couldn't hear him.

She hadn't heard him.

Paimon,the floating cow— worryingly hovered behind the alchemist, face contorted into that of concern.

She had her own fair share of doing things  to wake her up, which includes screaming atop her lungs near her ears in a shrilly tone, one whom Aether had to tear her away from the unconscious figure, lest he wants the chalk prince to choke up the fairy.

"I told you that I'd come for you right? I'm here. Why don't you snap back to reality?!", Frustration is evident on his visage;  brows knitted together, whilst his pearly whites grazing one another.

He had to be patient,  yes. But how could he be patient when he couldn't see any signs of movement from the lass?

Truth be told, in  his teal-gaze— she resembled that of a doll. Not moving, dull of life. . .not until its puppeteer arrives  and begins to  maneuver its strings, controlling its life.

"Cascade! Cascade! Wake up, please!",  Aether pleadingly exclaimed, hands tightly clenching on the fabric of his pants. He, oh-so wanted to shake her awake too— only refraining himself at the thought of the alchemist whose  been eagerly doing the job.

"Ha—ha. . .you lot are dumb. That won't work", a pained grunt then filled their ears, followed by a cough from the direction wherein the sixth have unceremoniously fainted.

This had then turning their heads towards his, eyes widening in alert, while they summoned their weapons. However, even before they could stand up from their kneeled positions, the gate to the place suddenly opened.

Blinding light greeted their senses, following after were  figures of  two people, one with ginger whom the traveller instantly recognized— the other, he hasn't met yet.

Albeit, seeing the mystery person's attire made his breathing hitch in surprise, and dread.

A party of three Fatui members, were now in their presence. Not to mention, two Harbingers. . .

"Where's the girl you've been yapping about, Tartaglia?", The other person boringly asked, eyes glimmering in mischief as they searched the area— only to land on the lifeless form of a certain platinum-haired Cascade on the floor.

"You've seen her. Why ask?", Childe grumbled, ableit he grinned, nodding his head in confirmation. "Yep, she's the one. Moochie here did a great job, didn't he?",

"No. Absolutely not when he's so battered up and unable to stand. Such a disgrace", the other replied, making the sixth grumble.

"Mind your words, Pantalone. I'm still stronger than you", Scaramouche spat, wobbling as he stood on both his feet, while his arm clutched the other.

"Signora would've laugh and pitied you, had she seen you in such state", Pantalone  murmured, disregarding the fuming Balladeer, too much immersed on observing their glorious catch.

Their optics widened in disbelief, and joy. A gasp finding its way out of their lips. They have never seen such— and not to mention, a very interesting lass.

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