Chapter Thirty-Seven

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"You came back late. . .",

A pair of chartreuse orbs glowed unknowingly in fear, pale soft hands covered in gloves now gripping the hem of her ruffled skirt- her breathing came in erratic, whilst her brain started to malfunction at the thought of the worst. The gods of Celestia, they were vile creatures, they hesitate not into eventually punishing those who disobeyed their orders, and she as clearly as day did as they pleased not.

The spirit of the newly fallen archon quivered in fear, yet at the same time she forced herself to stand without faltering in fright. She was born a Ragnvindr, and as a part of the clan who aided the Lord Barbatos into defeating the God of Storm, Decarabian, during the archon war- it is only fit of her to stood with strength and authority. After all, she was an archon, slain by the hands of her lover. . .

"Are they mad?", Cascade asked, taking in a subtle amount of air before releasing it into a quiet sigh, glancing every once in a while towards the direction of her once trusty servant, who could only nod at her in response. She was purposely sealed for a reason, and she violated their vocation to bring her in eternal prison. "I'm sure they were. To what punishment do I have to endure now?",

She was well-versed that the Guardian of Nature was tasked to do the gods bidding, the poor nymph was under their command that she fret to not disobey at all costs, lest she wants herself deprived of magic to protect the Land of Scholars. Rio have still kept the promise of watching over the aforementioned nation, both by the Archons who were now residing as spirits in differently shaped emeralds. Thus, obviously traumatizing her, when she was first ordered to torture the spirit of the only god who treated her as a friend and sister. She was forced to place agony on Cascade's shoulders.

The cries and screams that she could still as clear as day came haunting her mind, and she feared that she might loose control over the voices alike that of the previous yakshas. It'd simply make her insane, had it not been for Cascade erasing them from her thoughts every now and then.

"No. . .they merely told me to place yet another strong and difficult lock for you to stay in this place", was her response, nibbling her bottom lip whilst she averted her eyes elsewhere, away from the pair of chartreuse greens that bore into her soul in a gauging manner. She mentally gulped, pink optics strained in pain, as she thought of the spell to be casted by herself. "It'd prevent anyone from entering this area. Lest they held precious thoughts of the one who stays apprehended",

"Mhmm. . . That's quite a weak spell if I must say", Cascade pointed out, dryly chuckling at the fact that there are people whom she knew held her precious, such as her brothers, her Liyuenian friends, perhaps the traveller and his sidekick, Klee, Alice. . .or even Albedo, himself. But are they even aware of this sanctuary? Aether and Paimon does, how about the rest? They certainly didn't.

Unlike the archon before her, hers were made to be hidden in the most secret places possible, somewhere in the north of Sumeru. Thanks to her pet bunny, whom she intentionally sent to the traveller, Aether was able to track down the place with the rabbit as a guide. However, after knowing her sneaky tactic, the gods hesitated no more into slaughtering it in front of her very eyes, letting her relinquish on their bloody fresh soaked hands. They were merciless, really merciless.

"Not only that. . .but whoever comes near the boundary of your domain will have to face six Oceanids at once, making it very dangerous for anyone, not even vision-holders, retired gods, not a yaksha to handle", The nymph finished, closing her eyes while sighing in sadness, whilst she recalled on the orders of her superior. "A new mechanism outside shall be placed too. . .as well as a few spells to dissociate anyone who dared",

"That's quite something worth my applause. They really didn't want me out or anyone in", Cascade musingly mentioned. She seemed so nonchalant about it, and it may look as she was having no problems with it at all, as if she was trusting the people from outside- her closest endeavors, the traveller- to find and break with ease. Although, the dread and ropes that continued to tie her heart came so suffocating that she had to clutch the fabric near her chest. After hearing those words. . .the youngest Ragnvindr knew that no one will be able to cross, and that she'll stay as she is, inside her sanctuary.

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