★ dating tim at hogwarts includes ★

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( TOXIC ! )
dating tim at hogwarts include!

—trying to copy his notes and all of his assignments. let's be real here, there's classes that you took just to closer to tim (ancient study of runes, muggle studies etc) all of which you end up either falling asleep in or just staring at your boyfriend take his notes. it's cute when tim bites the corner of his lip as he takes his note and let's just say that he's a mAjOR distraction in such boring classes. but of course, you pay the price as your marks drop. let's just say, no matter how much you beg to just copy a little bit of tim's notes, you won't get yes as an answer
you: aw, c'mon timmy! just let me copy you off this once!
tim: *still reading one of his books* for the last time, nO!

―so tim's not too big on sports but since you're on the quidditch team of your house, let's just say that once the season starts this mans knows how to get hyped. depending on what house you're in, this mans will literally paint his face in the colours of your house or if you're in ravenclaw he paints his face his own house colours. the point is, tim didn't read quidditch throughout the ages just to be a smartass, this man will literally stand beside lee jordan and start a play by play of each tactic each house is using. he will literally get in fist fights with other students because he supports you and quidditch that much!

―he's in a big competition with hermione granger. which sucks because as much as you're friends with her, he's always trying to one her up with a whole bunch of facts and other useless shit that he's managed to memorize. it took for her to talk about SPEW to realize that the two have something else in common other than their big brains. in other words, tim has become the vice president of the club and has been trying to make you a member ever since him and hermione are fInALLy on good terms
tim: please y/n! be a member of SPEW! it's for a good cause!
you: change the name of the club and then maybe i'll join!

―okay, so tim is really good in all of his classes, but would it be fun if i told you that he sucks at herbology? the guy can't take care of plants AT ALL. sure tim knows like every type of flora and fauna or whatever they're called but most plants he's assigned to take care of literally diE. professor sprout had to make him do some homework for extra credit because of how many plants died in tim's care. let's just say he's not going to be doing anything in the herbology field once he's looking for a career

―tim's been hexed mULtiPLe times by jason since his older brother is persistent that he does his homework for him. let's just say that you're quite an expert in the bat boogey hex (you can thank ginny weasley for teaching you that little spell) and the next time you found jason trying to had tim all of his potions essays, let's just say that tim found his brother lying on the ground in shock that you had just hexed him. tim literally threw his arms around you and placed the most passionate kiss on your lips. so yeah, hexing jason did have some perks
you: i think i should start hexing your brother more often
tim: just shut up and kiss me, y/n

―staying up in the ravenclaw common room at night. so tim may not let you copy off of his work, but he'll gladly help you look through his notes, make you read multiple textbooks and proof read your essays when you're drowsy. sometimes you do end up falling asleep and this is where tim with chuckle to himself, gently place a kiss on your check and continue where you left off. he loves it when you dedicate yourself to studying instead of copying him and it's in those moments when you're asleep where he'll help you finish your work

―give him some expensive books for christmas and you'll get a spicy christmas present from him in return *wink* *wink* but in all seriousness, if you buy tim something expensive, don't be too surprised to see something expensive too. this boy will literally look at everything you point out when you two are either getting your school things in diagon alley or when you two go on your trips to hogsmeade. he knows how to make you blush as you hold up such an expensive present with a smile on your face. he'll do whatever it takes to see you with that smile on your face

―if you think studying with hermione granger is intense try timothy drake. this boy will drill everything you've learnt in your head when it's exam season. let's just say you HATE exam season with a burning passion. there's nothing worse than having tim making who knows how many cue cards, revising his notes and doing everything to prep for the exams. but looking past from all of the hard work that he makes you do, your grades are something to look forward to once you're done exams. because even though he bugs you so much, tim helps you get those good grades and you love him for that

―this guy is so shy when it comes asking you to the yule ball. like you guys are literally dating but he doesn't know how to ask you in such a romantic way. so what does this guy do? he'll literally stand on the ravenclaw table and yell for you to go to the ball with him. let's just say it wasn't exactly romantic but it was certainly unforgettable....especially because he had a voice crack while he was calling out to you
tim: y/n! wiLl yOU —um, will you go to the ball with me!!

―can i just say that you two are fucking amazing at the ball. like forget all eyes being on cedric diggory and all the other champions, they're all looking at you. tim really had the help of his brothers to spice himself up because he looks fucking hot in a tuxedo. like you almost didn't recognize him when he went to pick you up. and this mans can secretly dance? um let's just say that the yule ball was literally a night you can't forget

―you two being partners in divination. the thing is, you're actually really good at that class (better than tim haha) and the boy is kinda jealous of your skills. like ma'am trelawney really said that you're one of her best students right to tim's face, this mans started fumming. then again, he did break one of her crystal balls that time you predicted that some blonde student was going to ask you to the yule ball. as much as he said that the whole thing was an accident you knew that he was defiantly the reason why draco was once hexed with a tongue tied curse even though the prediction you gave tim was a prank

―being friends with luna lovegood. you'd be surprised that even though majority of the school thinks she's looney and someone so smart like tim could never be friends with her, you're dead wrong. he likes her funky vibe and she's a smart girl once you look past her odd vibe. let's just say that the one time hermione called luna "looney" he was this close to throwing hands with her. thank goodness you were there to stop that fight

―now, i did say that tim gives you some spicy nights here and there but if you meet him at the astronomy tower at night sometimes, don't be surprised to have this guy pull you close and start making out with you on the spot. tim's very shy to PDA but it doesn't stop him from sneaking some sexy moments with you here and there. just be warned, there was that time when harry walked in on you two making out and that was quite awkward to say the least
tim: *his cheeks burning red* how much did you see?
harry: *completely scarred* yOU'rE shIRtLESs

―visiting each other during the summer. as much as you've told tim that your house is boring, he always stops by here and then to come over to your house. he says it's quieter than his place and he's not wrong there. but you like to visit his house instead. after all, wayne manor is it's own party

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