★dating dick would include★

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( TOXIC ! )
dating dick would include!
(requested by poelsc )

—having to stop dick from having too many cocktails at bruce's galas. dick becomes quite chaotic to deal with when he's drunk
→"oh my gosh i got so wasted last night, what happened?"
→"you asked (y/n) if she was single,"
→"so what?"
→"you cried when she said no!"

―lot's of cuddles. this boy would do anything just to be by your side. dick would literally just sit down beside you and wrap his arms around you because you're like a pillow to him. the best part is that he does this when you're just about to leave to go do something
→"dick, baby, i love you a lot, but can you please let me go?"

―lot's of pointless arguments. you and dick would get into the stupidest of arguments over the stupidest things. there was a time when you two wouldn't talk for each other for TWO DAYS because dick thought that team edward was better than team jacob

―if you two are in the car, you're mainly listening to songs by britney spears. she's the queen when you two are taking road trips or just going to the grocery store to get some milk. when it's summer, you two have the windows rolled down and it's pretty much you two yelling out the lyrics of hit me baby one more time and toxic to each other 

―dick loves to tease that he's the flexible one out of you two. when you're trying to do yoga, dick just takes a backtrack and joins you only to make you mad. you're trying your hardest to do a complicated yoga pose and he does it in an instant. the last time you did yoga, dick got a black eye

―this boy is a literal sweetheart when you're down. dick will literally hug you and start kissing all over your face while tickling you. he just tries to make you laugh and smile when you're down. he loves to make sure that you're okay. and if you say "i'm fine," dick won't take that for an answer. you're not fine until he sees a smile on your face

―he loves it when you compliment his ass. as odd as it sounds just a simple remark about dick's ass makes his day. because we all know that he has the better ass out of you two, dick loves teasing you about it. but then again, you love bothering dick about his ass when you two are on missions. it's payback from when he's bragging
→"damn nightwing you have a nice ass!"
→"really? well you know i was just doing a lot of squats―DAMMIT, ARCHER! STOP DISTRACTING ME!" 

―this boy FAILS at cooking dinners. you're always the one cooking and dick tried to be romantic but it never works out. maybe in another universe dick actually learned how to cook, but this poor boy can't boil water. he tried to make you lasagna for your one-month anniversary but things didn't go so well
→"BaBe nO i sWeAR"

―gossiping. you learned spanish at a young age and since dick loves learning love languages, he knows spanish too. when you two are at bruce's galas, it consists of you and dick talking shit about other people in spanish because let's be honest, there are some gross couples out there

―dick goes from behind to hugs you and kisses your cheek. he does this a lot unexpectedly. when you're brushing your teeth or cooking food, he loves to do this. but he has to be cautious if you're not drinking water. because the last time he hugged you, you almost choked on your water

―he's the big spoon. when you two are sleeping, you nuzzle your head in his chest and his leg goes on top of yours as he hugs you. dick's a decent sleeper but if he's seen a horror movie (you're a BIG fan of those movies) he's going to be squeezing you a lot because he's so scared

―quick kisses. before he goes on missions or when you two have to leave early to go to work, you two will kiss each other quickly on the lips before separating. just so you know, those kisses are going to get a little bit more passionate when you two have some time alone (*wink, wonk*)

―going to the diner. it's been a tradition that you and nightwing go to the diner every month. another new tradition started up where you two would listen to jailhouse rock by elvis when it played on the jukebox. let's just say that dick can make quite the elvis imitation

―being dick's moral support when the anniversary of his parents around. you're always by his side when he brings flowers to his parent's grave. your the hands that hold him when he cries. because no matter what happens, you two are always there for each other

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