★dating jason would include★

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( TOXIC ! )
dating jason would include!
(requested by poelsc )

―trying to share his CRAZY conspiracies with you in the middle of the night. as much as you love jason so much, you get extremely annoyed when your sleep is compromised with jason's conspiracy theories
→"(y/n), did i ever tell you about this conspiracy theory about how the titanic never sank?"
→"jason, i love you, but it's three in the morning. shut up,"

―watching a lot of disney movies. jason LOVES aladdin and hercules. this boy will practically sing all of the lyrics of the songs and try to imitate the sounds coming from the musical instruments. you can't get a laugh of that movie without looking at jason 

―jason cooking food for you. this boy is a chef. one time he made you lasagna, homemade pizza, his own spin on a cocktail and devils food cake for dessert. why did he cook all this food, you may wonder? it's because you slapped his ass
→"babe, what's all this food for?"
→"it's a celebration for the newest anniversary because you slapped my ass yesterday,"

―yes, you two slap each other's asses. jason slaps your ass quite more than when you slap his ass. he'll slap your ass out of nowhere sometimes, but he'll mostly do it during a mission because it catches you off-guard. the last time he slapped your ass when you two were fighting criminals, your instincts came in the way and you accidentally shot jason...

―passionate kisses. you can try to give jason quick kisses all you want, but this boy won't let you go before things get kinda steamy. he's professional in the art of passionate kisses. he knows how to make you melt and beg for more. he has a mischevious mind for your heart

―lot's of PDA. jason won't go out in public without holding your hand, kissing your cheek or even kissing your neck if he wants too. the other batboys say that he needs to stop with the PDA, but you love it when the other girls get jealous that you have a man like jason

―you two going to bruce's galas only so you and jason can get the headlines of the "hottest couple." when the gala comes around, it's serious business. you and jason take time to prepare your outfits so you both look sexy enough to make the news. PDA is a little more predominant when it comes to the galas
→"you look rather ravishing, darling. are you ready to be pronounced the "hottest couple" in gotham city again?"
→"you know it, jason."

―jamming out to a lot of ac/dc but jason loves to listen to the backstreet boys and other boy bands. sometimes you're so convinced that jason todd could be in a boyband himself. and you wouldn't be shocked if he tried to convince the rest of the batboys to be in a band with him

―jason teaching some parkour moves and how to shoot. as it turns out that jason was quite shocked to see that you had a better aim than he did. you two were practicing with rubber bullets the one time to see how you could work with moving targets. jason was so mad that you were excelling with your aim, that he shot you with a rubber bullet
→"dId yOu jUsT sHoOt mE?"
→"in my defence, you shot me first,"

―watching a lot of reality shows. jason LOVES watching the bachelor and the bachelorette. you two binged watched hells kitchen the one time and jason was convinced that he could be the next gordon ramsey that he threw your pasta across the room because it was "disgusting"
→"jason, your not gordon ramsey!"
→"BuT i cOuLd bE!"

―playing a lot of board games. you and jason are quite competitive so even a simple game like UNO causes the two of you to get into some simple arguments. your favourite game of all time is probably clue because it's practically a competition to see who's the better detective between you and jason
→"it was the joker, in the warehouse with the crowbar,"
→"aRe yoU mAkInG a JoKe aBoUt mY dEatH?!"

―jason loves to take you to drive in movies. you find it cute that this boy will pack a whole bunch of snacks for the movie night. he's super cute during this time because he'll bring a whole bunch of pillows and blankets for the drive-in movie. of course, you two get kind of distracted from the movie and end up kissing a lot

―buying a jacuzzi. just so jason can see you in bikinis and so that you can see jason's ripped abs. the jacuzzi is a place where you two relax after a long day of work and patrol. sometimes you're sitting across from jason, or sometimes his arm is around yours. you two are usually looking up at the stars and cracking jokes here and then
→"are you a cornfield...because i'm stalking you,"
→"that's seriously creepy jason,"

―comforting jason when he has nightmares. his PTSD is kicking in here and then but you're always his rock when his walls are breaking down. on the outside, jason always portrays himself as a strong person. but you're the only one who sees him when his walls are down. you're always by his side when he needs that comfort and reassurance. you love him for all his faults and are always there when he needs that love

TOXIC, batboy preferencesWhere stories live. Discover now