they miss you.

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( TOXIC ! )
they miss you!
(requested by ravenfreys )

dick grayson―
→as soon as he saw you walking at the red carpet for your movie premiere, he didn't know he fucked up until he saw wally west place a kiss on your cheek. you would not believe the anguish, the sorrow, the shattering of his heart as he saw that you had managed to move on. and damn, you were a knockout at that premiere. the way that dressed hugged your body right, how your beauty radiated more than any moment. he realized, he missed you. but it was too late, it was clear to dick that you didn't miss him back

→after the premiere, let's just say dick was becoming just as distant as he was to kori as to you when he started talking to her again. after a messy split with her, this boy would be watching all of the movies you were in. eating ice cream, pizza and any other sort of junk food. bundling himself in blankets, practically living on the sofa as he realized that you had moved on from him and he was a fool to had let you go in the first place. not taking any showers, he was a living hermit crab for the days that followed after you had crossed paths with him at the premiere

→a lot of regret had flooded in his body when he was apart from you. until the premiere, he was sure that he had made the right decision to drop you and be with kori. the real reason why he had left you for kori, was because of the fact that he didn't feel the spark that had connected you two from the very beginning. as stupid as the reason was, dick was convinced that a spark was a sign that relationships would go anywhere. and once he felt a spark with kori during a mission he thought she was the one for him. only after seeing you at the premiere, the spark that he had with you suddenly emerged once more and he realized that he had made a mistake

→his actions took over his senses as dick found himself making his way to your new penthouse, knocking on the door, hoping that you would be there to forgive him, wally west opened the door instead. "dick, what are you doing here?" wally asked as he raised an eyebrow as he leaned against the frame of the door. "i was hoping that i could talk to y/n, is she here?" dick asked as his voice shook. "nah, she's out taking some shots for her next movie, i'll tell her you stopped by," he replied casually. "okay, thanks," and with that, he walked off, his heart shattered once more. maybe you were done with him for good

jason todd―
he had been listening to your album on repeat. everywhere he went, he was reminded that he fucked up. the lyrics flowed in his mind when he was driving to when he was fighting crime. "you made my whole world blue, i thought you loved me too." the songs in you album had hit him right in his heart. for a guy that had his heart shattered by his mentor after finding out the joker was still alive, he instantly melted after realizing that you had felt that same pain when he cheated on you with artemis. only after trying to apologize to you the first time, he realized that you wouldn't be taking him back for a while. but he could get revenge on roy

for someone that had been jason's best friend, he was pretty pissed that roy would have gone behind his back and dated his ex. one thing, it broke boy code, but you would have to be pretty cruel to go behind your best friend and be in a relationship with their ex. he was mad at roy, he was mad at you for dating his best friend, but more importantly, he was mad at himself. what the two of you had was special and he blew it. no reason could come across his mind for his actions, and he knew that you weren't willing to hear him out. but maybe some violence would

TOXIC, batboy preferencesWhere stories live. Discover now