disney movies you two watch.

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( TOXIC ! )
disney movies you two watch!

dick grayson―
→dick lives and breaths for the high school movie trilogy. his all-time favourite character is probably troy. he knows every song off by heart, if you're watching the second movie, let's just say that dick will leave during sharpay's fabulous song to reenact it himself. and let's not forget: bet on it. dick's true colours come to life as he becomes the most extra boyfriend in the world, singing along to every song and crying with every heartfelt part in the movie. he loves it so much

jason todd―
→this whole movie speaks to jason. he sings eVeRy song especially ways to be wicked. this is his all-time movie, so don't be shocked to see jason pulling out his phone to find some cool leather clothes to wear. he will literally yell MOOD every time he sees someone from the isle of the lost. his favourite character is either uma or evie. he claims that if you two were in this movie, he would be dating some annoying princess (*cough* *cough* you) so you whacked him with a pillow. he can listen to the soundtrack for a good week, maybe a month if you're lucky

tim drake―
→tim LOVES THIS MOVIE WITH HIS WHOLE HEART. anne hathaway's transformation never ceases to marvel him. tim will usually watch this movie with you over some popcorn and a box of pizza. he'll usually be holding your hand but when someone is being mean to mia HE WILL FLIP. this boy will go up to the tv and yell at the character (who clearly can't see him) and complain that mia is a princess and deserves to be treated like one. then he'll go back to his seat and hold your hand

damian wayne―
→we all know that damian loves his horror movies, it took your FOREVER to show him a disney movie that had nothing to do with princesses, the first movie that you showed his was freaky friday (the one with lindsay lohan and jamie lee curtis) AND HE LOVED IT. he felt like he could relate to it a lot personally between his relationship with his father, but nonetheless, his favourite character had to be the grandpa. after watching the movie, damain was desperate to go to a chinese restaurant with his dad so that they could swap bodies and he could drive the batmobile.

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