if they were in haikyuu!

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( TOXIC! )
if they were in haikyuu!

dick grayson―
→100% would see him being besties with daichi in karasuno and kuroo from nekoma. you know for a fact that dick would get in all chummy with the team captains from all of the high schools (the way that i can actually see him holding out on a conversation with oikawa that would last more than two minutes too) because hey, he's basically the leader in the family. i think he'd vibe more with the karasuno gang just because he feels like that's home in the sense of hinata and kageyama yelling at each other and kinda the chaos that radiates from there
→ mans would definitely be the ace. he's got that type of vibe that he could slam down all those points. and let's be honest here, EVERYONE would be looking at his ass when he's trying to get down for those receives. i don't think dick would notice that he's showing off his ass half of the time, but some games he'll definitely do it to be a tease

jason todd―
→ you know my dude would be besties with oikawa and bokuto. they're like the golden trio of validation and constant attention that it would just make sense mans would literally go out of his way to call them up so they could play volleyball at the beach and just hang because that seems like the thing jason would do. he'd definitely be the guy who skips practices but he's just that good that in the heat of the game he knows what he's doing and that's what makes him the shit
→ 100% he's a setter. like he's second-best to oikawa but my mans is getting there. so when you think about it in that way, he likes to tease kageyama cause he knows that he' better than him. if there's anyone that dude gets along with at karasuno it's probably asahi, daichi and sugawara. but at the court that friendliness can kinda dip since jason is quite the competitive dude and puts his all into setting for his teammates

tim drake―
→ i hate to say it, but he'd be the pinch server. let's be real here, tim's not too big on playing volleyball and compared to his brothers (and even damian) he kinda sucks. but since good old bruce made him do a sport for extracurriculars tim kinda knows the ropes since his brothers would make him throw some balls so they could practice their spikes and sets. the last thing tim wants is to get a ball thrown in his face so he does best in the serves
→ i can definitely see him vibing with tsukishima just because they both have that vibe of not giving two shits and kenma. the dude is pretty much laid back for the most part but won't hesitate to read some books and give some ideas to people about how they can do better. think like he's a walking encyclopedia for volleyball but doesn't do anything to help himself

damian wayne―
→ our baby libero: damian wayne! ugh, we love him! he's such a hot-headed temperamental mess when it comes to volleyball because he would literally kill to win. let's just say that basically everyone doesn't like playing against damian cause he's scary and even the ace of shiratorizawa is freaked out by the little guy. the only dude that can match his energy is nishinoya and tanaka but sometimes they can't even keep up with him half of the time
→ consider him the trash talker of the nation. bruce has had to pull.up to the board so many times just to get damian out of trouble and possibly out of expulsion because damian doesn't know how to keep his mouth shut because he'll mouth off to the referees and other coaches from other teams

side note―
→ it's been a hot minute since i've updated this fic/preference book but hey! i guess i'm back! university has been killing me but it's nice to finally start working on my fics again! the reason why this whole chapter is set on haikyuu! is because i've been watching this for the past month (currently on season three) and i've been thinking about writing a preference book for the show! so let me know if you'd guys be interested in reading that!

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