★ dating dick at hogwarts includes ★

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( TOXIC ! )
dating dick at hogwarts include!

—taking him to madam pomfrey's in the middle of the night because he got cut by the whomping willow trying to prove that he could pick a fight with A TREE
madam pomfrey: what kind of an idiot picks a fight with a tree?
you: *pointing at dick* this idiot right here
dick: *staring dreamily at your face* yeah, i'm that idiot

―wearing dick's spare jerseys during his quidditch games. your mans position is chaser and let me just say every single time he scores a point for his team he'll fly all the way to where you're at on the stands and this mans won't leave unless you kiss him. the one time he had to be yelled at my madam hooch because he stood there telling you to kiss him for a good ten minutes while the game was going on
→"damn it, y/n! just kiss me!"

―lot's of trips to hogsmeade. i swear it's a thing now where you and dick will go and buy a whole bunch of sweets from honeydukes planning on eating them all in one day but let's be honest here, you guys bicker more than you eat your sweets. which is probably the reason why you're trunk consists more of chocolate frogs and other candy than your school uniforms and supplies

―okay so other than the fact that this boy is like AMAZING at quidditch, dick really sucks at transfiguration. he's well aware that he can't turn a stupid mouse into a teacup but this boy is full of surprises! specifically this one incident where cedric diggory was asking you questions about one of your history of magic assignments, dick thought that he was flirting with you and maybe... turned him into a spoon
dick: in my defence i though he was flirting with you

―so maybe dick's not good at transfiguration but this boy is really good in his charms classes, like i kid you not he's one of professor flitwick's favourite students because he's just that good at the class. not saying that dick's a kiss ass but he loves bragging to you and other student that he's one of his favourite students. the last time he told you this, you were the one that turned him in to the spoon

―dick still manages to be the #1 sweetheart when you're down. this boy will literally drag you out in the middle of the night to go up into the astronomy tower and you'll find a candlelit picnic where he snuck out all of your favourite foods from the kitchen, and you two will gaze at the stars and crack jokes while he holds you in his arms and makes you feel like the luckiest person in the world

―you visiting the wayne manor for christmas. your parents decided to take a quick little cruise in the mediterranean and so that left you planning to spend your christmas at hogwarts but dick pulled some strings with his old man and convinced him for you to spend the holidays with you. let's just say that his brothers were thrilled to have someone to talk to and not to mention planning on telling embarrassing stories about him
jason: did i ever tell you about the time that bruce turned dick into a frog?
dick: *from afar* wE doN't taLk aBouT tHat

―forcing dick to study for his exams. for some reason you would expect that dick would be very attentive about this sort of thing since he studies for like every test possible but his exams are something else. one time you literally had to drag him by the ears to the library because he was busy playing exploding snap with oliver wood and his friends that you had to snatch him away from his pals and sit him down prepping him for exams. let's just say that dick wasn't too happy about that
dick: *whining* what's the point in studying anyways?
you: are you fucking kidding me right now

―yule ball. let's just say that dick had been planning on asking you for a while and you decided to pull his leg and tell him that cedric asked you to go to the ball with him instead. this boy literally was about to run over and punch this innocent guy in the face only for you to burst out laughing and pull him into a kiss while getting down on one knee and asking dick if he would be your date to the yule ball. and yeah, he said yes

―dick teaching you how to play quidditch. it's not like you don't know how to play quidditch, in fact you considered trying out for the team but realized that playing on the same team with dick would be a bad idea (let's face it, he's REALLY competitive) and so you pretend you don't know what you're doing just to have dick touch your waist or your hands as he teaches you how to throw the quaffle and complicated plays too

―the one time you did play quidditch and his pals on the weekend, dick realized how much skill you were holding back from him when you were playing against him. so when you elbowed this boy in the shoulder and made a winning shot, dick didn't even get mad. he just smiled and yelled out to everyone that was at the field: "AND I'M Y/N'S BOYFRIEND"

―you two being partners in potions class. for the record it's not like you wanted to be partners with dick, in fact, snape had SPECIFICALLY asked that each student was to pair up with someone from the opposite house and so when cedric asked if you wanted to be his partner, let's just say that he "suddenly" started hiccuping bubbles and had to be sent to the hospital wing and so snape made you pair up with dick. you were quick to swipe that smug smirk off your boyfriend's face though

―playing a lot of wizard's chess together. you're pretty strategic in the game and let's just say that you've had a long streak at winning against dick. one time you were so close to beating him again but he pulled you into a long, passionate kiss while moving some of the chess pieces so that he could win instead
you: hey! you cheated!
dick: *grinning* where's your proof babe?

―sending each other letters during the holidays, dick one time wrote you a ten page letter about how damian almost pocked tim's eye out with his wand and you couldn't stop laughing. even when you're apart, dick knows how to make you laugh

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