★dating tim would include★

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( TOXIC ! )
dating tim would include!
(requested by poelsc)

―tim is a reckless sleeper. this boy doesn't know how to share a bed. one minute, he's spooning you. the next minute, his hand is in your face. he takes all the blankets and sometimes you find yourself waking up on the ground! maybe it's because tim doesn't know HOW to sleep
→"tim, i swear, if you kick me off the bed―"
→"―bAbE iT's NoT mY fAuLt!"

―listening to a variety of music. tim can go from singing along to songs ariana grande, to having an air guitar with ac/dc, playing the violin with classical music and rapping along with nicki minaj. you video tapped tim singing and made a compilation of it for your one-month anniversary

―having a lot of coffee runs. tim pretty much got you hooked on coffee so whenever you two come back from a mission or from school, there you are making two cups of coffee. you're not as addicted to coffee as much as tim, so there are moments when you have to take away his coffee privileges
→"y/N nO, pLeAsE! iT's AlL i hAvE leFt!"

―lot's of cuddles. you love cuddling up to tim. he's like your pillow. sometimes tim is working on cracking a case for batman and you just cuddle up to him because he's just that cuddleable

―you just love to distract tim on his missions. the poor boy, one minute you're telling tim how to crack into one of the computers at a top-secret base to get information, of course, you find the best way to make this boy blush when he's trying to do something important
→"hey tim, did i ever tell you how hot you look in that suit?"
→"aww thanks babe―WAIT NO! STOP DOING THAT!"

―watching a lot of movies. you two create a fort in the movie room filled with countless of pillows and blankets. don't forget the junk food! you two are all about having popcorn with pretzels, marshmallows and more yummy goodies too! the only thing is that you two have different likings to what movies you pick
→"tim, i swear, if you pick the fault in our stars one more time!?"
→"wHaT's WrOnG wItH tHaT mOvIe??"

―lot's of kisses on your face. when you're down or just feeling sad, tim will place his arms around your waist and kiss your face. he loves watching you smile and giggle as you try to break free from his grasp. but he knows you won't leave his arms because when he kisses you, it reminds you that there's a boy out there who loves you so much

―going to the bookstore and reading books. you two will be holding hands while having your usual coffee on the side and reading stories. the best thing is, you'll be reading the books together so it's already causing for you two to get attention from the elderly people that come in to get some books to read

―darts. when you two are bored and when tim hasn't slept in days, you play darts. but not just any normal game of darts. the game of darts where one of you has an apple on your head and you have to chuck the dart upon the apple. it's a dangerous game and it's rare that you two get hurt. but if you're the one that hasn't slept in a while, chances are tim is going to be in some pain

―styling tim's hair. because tim has quite long hair, you're always trying to style it. there was a time when he allowed you to style his hair and he would wear the look for the whole day. as it turns out, a lot of girls were turned on by tim having a man bun and you almost freaked when someone tried to kiss him
→"from now on tim, you're not having man buns"

―video game nights. you two are quite competitive in video games. of course, tim was the one who introduced you to the world of video games. you're not on the same level as he is, but it doesn't mean that you'll be using the same combo move to beat him. he calls you a cheater, but you know that you're just trying 

―going to bruce's galas to cause drama. that's right, you and tim always are planning to cause drama. it's intentional that you get drunk and start making accusations about your boyfriend. of course, it's all an act. and the next day you two are in the news with reporters talking about your drama while you two sit back knowing it's not real

―playing a lot of just dance. tim's dance moves show on the floor as he pretty much get's five stars in every game you play. this boy is so extra that he'll twerk, do squats and try to be as extra as possible just to beat you in the game, and it works so well

―giving him a jar about reasons why you love tim drake. whenever your gone out to do something or if you can't make it to tim in time and he's feeling down, the jar keeps him going. having those reminders about why you love him so much. because knowing why you love him means the world to tim

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