what he calls you.

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( TOXIC ! )
what he calls you!

dick grayson―
"babe," "cutie"
→dick loves to call you these two names, for two obvious reasons. 1) he loves seeing your face burn brighter when he calls you "babe" or "cutie" when you're mad. he loves seeing you get flustered while you're angry at the same time, frankly because you end up getting distracted easily. 2) because dick grayson loves you! he would do anything to call you "babe" and "cutie" because he wants to give you that constant reminder that you mean the world to him!

jason todd―
"sexy," "dollface"
→jason is such a tease, he loves to call you these names to make you blush furiously. but when you're drunk, you'll just grin and call him "sexy" back. he still calls you "dollface" after the whole red hood breaking your window situation a while back. he loves making you smile and just by calling you these names it lights you up when you're feeling down. because you always know jason is there to make you feel better.

tim drake―
"darling," "gorgeous"
→you mean the world to tim. everyday you are the light in his eyes and he wants to remind you how much you mean to him. he loves calling you by the sweetest names to show that he cares about you so much. tim is such a gentleman in the name department as he calls you by the prettiest of names that he can imagine. let's just say all of those books that you gave him really impacted the words he would call you.

damian wayne―
"beloved," "love"
→damian tends to go with traditional names, but it still shows that coming from an island full of assassins comes a long way. he loves calling you by these names. damian knows it makes you happy to know that he does show how much he cares about you, but he also loves how your smile beams twice as brighter when he calls you those names. he's glad to have someone like you.

TOXIC, batboy preferencesWhere stories live. Discover now