★ dating damian at hogwarts includes ★

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( TOXIC ! )
dating damian at hogwarts include!
( requested by Kittyyy2318s and others )

—let's be real here, normally you and damian aren't partners for the sake that you two can get easily distracted and seeing that damian is all about having good grades and excelling in school like his brothers, classes are his time to shine and show off what knowledge he has in that big brain of is. that being said, you SUCK at care of magical creatures. taking care of owls, cats and dogs are different from taming a hippogriff or blast ended skrewts. but have no fear, damian is your night in shining armour as he reluctantly becomes your partner and becomes the regular student that takes you to the hospital wing when another magical animal decides to hurt you

―okay, so harry potter may have been the youngest seeker in hogwarts history but damian wayne broke his all-time record. the first year, damian found himself being quidditch captain for the hufflepuff team! if that isn't a new record, i don't know what is. but don't worry, aside from him competing against his brothers and gaining more experience over the years you've learned to love his sweaty embraces and wearing his oversized jerseys while you're cheering him on...just don't let him kiss you after a sweaty match

―of course, there has to be a class that damian sucks at. this guy has no patience when it comes to history of magic. luckily for you, you're pretty decent at taking notes no matter how annoying professor binns can be. with that being said, let's just say damian will do ANYTHING to grab a hold of your notes to get those good grades. and when i say anything i mean ANYTHING
you: *holding your notes* why are my history of magic notes covered with paw prints?
damian: *remembering titus had almost tried to eat your notes* umm....good question. why are your notes covered with paw prints?

―damian is someone easy to make jealous of. in some ways, it's cute to see his face turn red as he clenches his quill angrily in one hand but there's another side to his jealously. the one time you were walking down the corridors with your boyfriend trying to make your way to charms class and when you found your arm being grabbed by no other than draco malfoy (who just so happened to be your divination partner at the time) who was going to ask you about the due date for the dream journal assignment, damian was quick to jump to conclusions thinking that draco was trying to steal you away for who knows what. that didn't end too well
damian: no, i turned him into a sponge!

―so maybe damian has a temperamental side when he's jealous but he always knows how to make it up to you at the moment. when he turned your divination partner into a sponge, he was there with a weary smile on his face and a towel in his arms after some student in charms class doused you with water after learning aguamenti charm. it was a small gesture, but still loving enough for you to fall into his embrace and feel his lips on your forehead

―being friends with ginny weasley, neville longbottom and luna lovegood. damian's circle of friends is small but this boy knows how to branch off from his house and befriend people from other houses. believe it or not, he and luna are quite close friends even though they completely polar opposite views. he's basically neville's bodyguard against certain assholes and likes to shoot back banters against ginny. it's a nice friendly group that knows how to make you feel included and loved

―you visiting wayne manor for christmas. your parents would do anything to get a little bit more of vacation so they were happy to send you off to damian's place. being surrounded by his brothers is a whole other level of chaos. from jason to telling crazy stories, dick being a kind leader and tim with his head always in a book. the whole house is a nice range. and there's nothing you love more than being in damian's room playing wizards chess while doing some gambling
you: i'll be my whole chocolate frog collection for your firebolt
damian: oh yeah? you're on!

―studying with damian for exams can be described as many things. but mainly, it's hell on earth. this boy will drill every single thing you two have learned until you're staring at him with bloodshot eyes wondering if you can murder him right on the spot. there's something about exams that makes damian think that you can soak up all the material you learned like a sponge. he learned this the hard way after you tackled him into a headlock. now he always has some honeydukes chocolate on hand to make sure you'll stay calm during exam practices

—YULE BALL. that's it, period. if there was a prize for who looked the best at the ball it would HAVE to be you and damian. maybe it's because you two dressed to the nines for the occasion or simply because you two look like the best couple compared to everyone else. whatever the reason is, all eyes on you when you enter that room. and damn, you can't help but place a kiss on damian's lips to let everyone know that he's yours and you're his

―getting bucked off a broom when you're learning how to play quidditch. for some reason, damian managed to convince you to play a little scrimmage of quidditch with him and ginny. what you weren't planning was that this boy was going to go hardcore on you and literally buck you off your broom the one time you showed you knew what you were doing. let's just say that didn't go too well
damian: *running to catch up to you* y/n! wait! i'm sorry!

―so you got owl shit in your hair. big deal. you managed to get your payback one way or another. the weasley twins were working on some sort of potion to add into their joke shop that just so happened to make the person turn invisible. they were looking for a student that would test out the potion and you had the perfect test subject. one slip of the potion into damian's nightly dose of water and he would wake up being invisible for 24 hours. let's just that even dumbledore was able to hear damian scream that morning when he couldn't see his reflection

―going into the three broomsticks for that daily dose of butterbeer, you could have sworn that there was a time when damian chugged seven of those things and blacked out. well, at least that's what you told him when he woke up in his bed with some sort of hangover. the secret stayed between you and madam rosmerta who had to clean the table from damian's barf

―stealing filch's cat for a dare. draco malfoy bet you 50 galleons that you and damian would snatch filch's cat and bring it to the slytherin common room. although damian was pretty hesitant about taking a cat, you wanted the money. that was a day to remember, especially seeing flinch trying to chase you down the hallways yelling at the top of your lungs while damian held your hand and laughed as you two ran to go and get your money

―sending each other letters during the holidays, damian is quite poetic when you leave him alone in his room during the holidays and knows how to make your heart melt with each letter you send. because no matter whatever happens between the two of you, you know he has a heart full of gold as he does everything to make you realize just how much he loves you

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