where they like to kiss you.

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( TOXIC ! )
where he likes to kiss you!

dick grayson―
he loves to kiss your lips. dick could kiss you all day if he wanted to. he loves how perfect your lips are when they touch his, it's like he's always in euphoria when he kisses you. of course, he likes to kiss you on other parts of your body, but when he kisses your lips, he's bound to melt in your arms. he loves how soft your lips are, even if they aren't soft at times, he loves kissing your lips no matter what.

jason todd―
beleive it or not, he's more into kissing your temples. as much as jason could kiss your lips and your neck all day. he loves to kiss your temples. it reassures the two of you just how special your relationship is. sure he has quite a passionate side when it comes to kisses, but a soft kiss to your temples, or even his lips just brushing them softly is enough to make his day.

tim drake―
your cheeks. he loves to kiss you on the cheeks. before he goes on missions, he'll kiss you on the cheek. when he comes back from missions, he'll kiss you on the cheek. if you two are running late, he'll kiss you on the cheek. after making a crappy joke and you're laughing your ass off, this boy will kiss you on the cheek no matter what. he loves watching you smile when he kisses you.

damian wayne―
your forehead. he feels so protective when he kisses you on the forehead, and you feel protected when he does such a simple act of love. now, damian isn't the one who normally likes to kiss and show affection, but when you're having a down day, he likes to hold you in his arms and kiss your forehead. for that small moment, all seems right in the world and you forget about your problems because he's there to help you out.

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