the vigilante reveal.

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( TOXIC ! )
the vigilante reveal!
(requested by lovebxbes)

dick grayson―
→you found out that dick grayson was nightwing a while ago. because of the fact that you had been over to his house, it gave you the advantage to search through his apartment when he was out getting some milkshakes or if he was going to the bathroom. only what you didn't realize was that he was doing the same thing to you too. "so, you never told me you're dick grayson," you teased as you two were fighting some criminals. "and you didn't tell you're (y/n) (l/n)"

jason todd―
→it took a night of taking care of red hood himself to realize that jason todd was an anti-hero. you were about to go to bed when your window shattered. right inside of your house was red hood, who just so happened to be in quite the mess. there was blood spilling out of his arm and his clothes were tattered and his helmet was cracked enough to see tufts of white hair at the front. let's just say that you were quite freaked out to see red hood at your home. "did you just break into my home?" "listen now, dollface, i'm a friend of jason todd. so can you help me out or what?" and with that, he went unconscious. 

→either way, you tended to his wounds. as it turns out red hood was quite the heavy guy (from all the muscles) and you struggled to get him in a chair. it took you a couple of hours to clean the wounds to the best of your abilities (after all, you weren't some sort of nurse) and you were quite satisfied with your skills. you noticed that red hood had some blood coming from the corner of the broken part of his helmet. hesitantly, you bit your lip and took off his helmet. instantly your eyes widened and the helmet fell to the ground, waking jason up. "y-y-you're red hood?" "surprise!"

tim drake―
→he straight up told you that he was red robin. your relationship with tim had become quite serious and he thought that it was best to come clean to you without having to cause any complications between your relationship (that, and also because he heard stories from jason and dick when they didn't tell their girlfriend about their alter ego). so when he's on patrol, you'll be sitting in bed, with a first aid kit on your nightstand and with the strength to tell tim to go to bed. because if you don't tell him, that boy will be an exhausted mess tomorrow.

damian wayne―
→high school was already of a wreck but you never understood why damian would be coming to his classes with bruises on his face. at first, you assumed that his older brothers were the cause of his injuries but you knew that they wouldn't inflict that amount of damage on him. and so, you went to his house. alfred was fine with allowing you to wait in damian's room (considering that you were a good friend of his) and once he left, you began to snoop around. by the time damian came home from his extracurriculars, you were holding his sword in his hand with a frown on your face. "is there something you want to tell me, damian?"

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