spooky season with them.

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( TOXIC! )
spooky season with them!

dick grayson―
→100% loves spooky season. as soon as october broke out, dick had already decorated his place with almost every halloween decoration that you could get at the dollar store imaginable. he's really big on holidays like halloween and christmas so don't be surprised to see that his pantry consists of ten different boxes of halloween candy. he is very much present in the spirit of halloween
→ mans would definitely be the one to buy those big ass pumpkins that are like twice the size of your face and just spend a whole day carving pumpkins with you. he's such a sweetheart when it comes to carving pumpkins with you. dick brings out aprons to cover your clothes and will run his hands through your hair as he pulls your hair up into a ponytail while you're grabbing all of the seeds and guts out of your pumpkin
→ watching him concentrating on carving his pumpkin is the cutest thing. dick does this thing where he sticks tongue out of the corner of his mouth and scrunches his face up while remaining focus. it's totally adorable. which is maybe why he ends up stopping in his tracks to look over at you just staring at him in awe
→ don't get too comfortable with this. dick get's flustered quite quickly that to make you stop staring at him, he has to chuck some pumpkin guts to make you go back to carving your own pumpkin instead. but hey, at least your scooby doo inspired pumpkins looked pretty cool on halloween night

jason todd―
→ if you thought that dick was really big on halloween, jason todd treats this holiday like it's a religion. the man literally had a calendar on the kitchen and one set on his phone. and he had no remorse at waking you up at five in the morning to announce that it was officially halloween. it's jason's world and we're just living in it. no, literally.
→ when i say he's been planning your costumes since the start of the new year, he really has. and how ironic it was to see that he made you dress up like lava girl while he was shark boy. even though you're "too old" to be trick or treating, let's just say that the old ladies handing out the candy find it adorable that two lovers are out there amongst the kids and sometimes give you double the candy
→ you think it would be odd for jason to love a holiday that glorifies people dressing up like ghosts and the undead because of what happened in his past. but hey, nothing can compare to being in silly costumes and spending time with the only person that makes his heart skip a beat. halloween will always be worth the while as long as he has someone like you on his side

tim drake―
→ pumpkin spice lattes, pumpkin pie and tim burton movies. that's all i'm saying. timothy drake is the reincarnation of the aesthetic of spooky season in the form of an attractive, badass intellect that you just so happen to be dating.
→ spooky season with him just consists of curling up in wool blankets, resting your head on his chest and watching the fireplace crackle while you two drink your homemade lattes (curtesy of tim of course) eat pumpkin pie on tiny plates and watch coraline or the corpse bride on the screen. sometimes he'll whip out with a bowl of candy (that he stole from the last time he visited dick) and you two just munch down on that as well
→ if you really wanna get to his heart during the spooky season, let him rest his head on your lap and just run your hands through his hair while you're watching the movie. if you're lucky, you might just get a chance to listen to tiny snores escape as he's finally getting some sleep to cover those bags under his eyes

damian wayne―
→ midnight horror movie marathons. need i say more? damian already has a whole bunch of classic movies like the shining and twenty-one elm street but also some newer ones like the conjuring series that are all laid out for you to watch on halloween
→ now if you know damian, you know that he's absolutely unfazed by any horror movie that he watches. he loves them so much to the point where he can recite who knows how many quotes but not jump at all during any part of the movie. of course, who's here to say you're not the one scared of horror movies?
→ clinging onto damian's arm for dear life, you slide deeper under the blankets as you're watching the horror movies in the theatre room at the wayne manor. but damian will foremost always be a gentle man and wrap his arm around you, holding you close so you can bury your face every single time a scary scene comes on screen. and let me tell you that makes him smile every time

side note―
→ to all of those that read my author's note from a while back, i just wanted to let you all know that my tumblr account for the batboys is underway and under a lot of construction! i will be posting my preferences/headcanons on there but don't worry, i plan to update this book regardless! feel free to follow the account @/redhoodisms

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