you moved on.

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( TOXIC ! )
you moved on!
( requested by cosmicss )

dick grayson―
→let's face it, it was hard to move on from dick. you had opened up your whole heart to him and it was like he threw your emotions away like they were nothing but shit. it was hard for you to move on from the breakup, especially since you would always find yourself listening to the police scanners in gotham, finding yourself drawn to ever bit of crime that took place in that city; only to find that nightwing and starfire had done a wonderful job to take down every criminal. it was at that moment you knew, you couldn't keep living your life with a shattered heart

→you spent more time focusing on yourself, other than working side by side with green arrow again back in star city, you were doing more things to make you feel happy. that meant taking on some roles as an extra in movies until realizing that you had a gift for being in the spotlight. that instantly turned into movie contracts, award ceremonies and countless interviews with the press to get yourself out there. and it all made you happy, happier than you've ever been

→with that being said, with you becoming instantly famous, it wasn't a surprise to find out that countless of guys trying to be your boyfriend. it was hard at first, realizing that so many of these guys just wanted you for fame. but eventually, you found someone that liked you regardless of you being a famous celebrity. that being someone who had seen you prior to when you were slowly branching off from being green arrow's sidekick. wally west

→you smiled as you and wally held hands together as you both walked down the red carpet waving and grinning at the multiple cameras in view as you two made your way to your next movie premiere. you had happily been in a relationship with wally for two months now and he treated you like you were the center of his universe. you felt complete, not just in yourself, but that you had found someone that loved you for who you are. only what you didn't explain was to come face to face with a lover in your past that very day

→"y/n," a familiar voice echoed in your ear. you turned your gaze to see dick grayson, dressed in a tuxedo with kori on his shoulder. he was just as in shock to see you here as you were there to see him. not only was he in shock, but there was a twinkle in his eye as he saw you in awe. "wow, you look amazing," he said as he continued to marvel at your beauty. you hitched your breath, trying to find any words to say. only wally saved you by pressing a kiss on your cheek. "yeah, it's nice to see you too," you replied as you watched his face melt in shock. you moved on

jason todd―
never before had you thought that jason would have the audacity to cheat on you. but you were wrong. literally wrong. as bad as it was that you caught him making out with artemis during your recovery, you had ignored every text that he had sent you, every call that was moved to your voicemail. to the very point where you had blocked jason's phone number and instantly blocked him out of your life for good. you were done with his bullshit and his fucking apologies. and let's just say, you changed a lot after you took jason out of your life

of course, with that being said, you still tried to continue to be warpath. you become more lethal during patrol, especially when jason was sometimes in the back of your mind. what made situations worse was when he would drop in unexpectedly when you "needed him the most." what happened there: a lot of heated arguments and criminals getting away to the point where you threw the very same gun jason had given you the day you chose to be his partner and walked away from his presence. you were done being warpath in that moment

TOXIC, batboy preferencesWhere stories live. Discover now