what hogwarts house they're in.

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( TOXIC ! )
what hogwarts house they're in!

dick grayson―
there's no denying that dick would be a gryffindor. i mean, the guy basically screams courage and bravery. then again even though dick is the type of guy to basically be the hero that everyone swoons for —i feel like he's stupidly brave in every single situation he's in. like of course this boy breathes for adventure and proving his valour to his peers but because he's always seeking for that glory and validation that it also gets him into a lot of trouble. especially if it's based on dares. so if you're wondering how he got a scar on his cheek, it's because he tried to pick a fight with the whomping willow

jason todd―
tell me that jason doesn't scream ambitious to you. i can defiantly see him as the type of guy who wears his cloak like it's a fucking cape and wears it so dramatically around his brothers like tell me you guys don't see that happening! he's defiantly the type of slytherin who uses his resources and witty cunning charm, by that i mean he mainly uses tim to do his essays and swoons almost every girl he can to help him out in some sort of way. some people say what he's doing is a form of cheating but hey, resources are resources right? just be careful when it comes to the quidditch season, he and some of his other slytherin buddies will do whatever means possible to win the quidditch cup

timothy drake―
tim's that smart bitch. like the sorting hat barely touched his head before it yelled out that he was sorted into ravenclaw and there are good reasons for that too. top of his class, best marks compared to his brothers (with damian being close by a second) tim's a genius in all of his subjects and that's not to mention that he'll literally take out so many books in the library just to be a smart ass and learn more advanced spells. just don't tell anyone that he's an unregistered animagus. tim has worked his butt off finding a way to dig dirt on his brothers, so if you see a red robin around —just know that's tim in disguise

damian wayne―
i know, you're probably thinking that damian is like a slytherin and i totally agree but under the circumstances, if he wasn't raised by his grandfather who's an assassin —this boy would scream hufflepuff. like deep down we know that damian is a hard worker (i mean, he worked hard all this time trying to kill his dad, right?) and let's be real here, the boy's a softie! he's defiantly the type of student who would be one of professor sprout's favourites because damian strikes me as that type of student who's good at herbology. not to mention he would ace his care of magical creatures class because he's that good with animals. he's obviously has a small friend group but they very from all of the houses because damian likes people who play to their strengths. and don't forget, he's going to become a magizoologist in the future

side note―
→ would anyone be down to read more about the batboys in hogwarts? like some one shots about how it would be like dating them or whatever because i'm back on harry potter tiktok again haha. shoot me with some more requests! i'm always down to write what you wanna read!

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