★dating damian would include★

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( TOXIC ! )
dating damian would include!
(requested by poelsc)

―taking titus out for walks. you two will stop by to get some ice cream while you're at it. of course titus is jumping up and down because he wants some ice cream too. one time he got your chocolate ice cream and damian screamed because he thought titus was going to die
→"MY DOG!"

―this boy is so good at photography. he'll give you photoshoots and treat you like a queen. damian has a collage of pictures of you two, you by yourself or the three of you with titus to remind him of those he loves other than his family. he makes sure that you know that you're the prettiest girl in the world when he takes your picture

―he likes to kiss your hands. this boy could kiss your lips or your neck but he chose your hand. before you guys go on missions, he'll grap you by the hand and kiss your hand. of course it get's you distracted and you told damian to stop kissing your hand before missions. but you never told him he could kiss your hand during missions
→"if you can stab a guy and yell at me, i can kiss your hand"

―damian doesn't like listening to music as much but you got him hooked on sunflower by post malone. the thing about damian with music is that he won't stop listening to the same time. when you guys would go to school, he would be blasting sunflower. when you two would train together, he would play sunflower
→"bUt i lOvE sUnfLoWeR!"

―him helping out with your homework. you two always have study dates and since damian is SUPER smart, he'll spend all of his time trying to help you out with a unit or maybe just a simple question that you're struggling with. he's such a patient boy when it comes to helping you out with your studies

―going to the beach. believe it or not, damian loves seashells. he has a box full of them inside his room. the two of you would go to the beach with titus when the sun is about to set, getting some ice cream along the way and collecting seashells as you two walk on the sand. he has a special box of seashells that you've given him 

―baking desserts together. well, it turns more into of a kitchen food fight if the two of you are left alone without any supervision. one time, you ended up having flour in your hair and damian had a cracked egg running down his face. but no matter what, you two have memories to laugh about and delicious cookies to eat together

―watching horror movies with damian. the thing is, this boy LOVES horror movies. depending if you love horror movies or not, watching them with damian is like a horror movie itself. just when there's a climatic part in the movie, this boy leaves you in the dark to go "to the washroom" but he just ends up scaring you when a jump scare occurs in the movie
→"oh, come on y/n, that was hilarious!

―he loves to play with your hair. the thing with damian is that he doesn't know how to braid. he struggles with trying to braid your hair and it makes him frustrated that he can't braid your hair. damian had to seek out dick's help to braid your hair, but not even the boy wonder could help him out. you always admire his effort, even if he gets knots in your hair
→"oW dAmIaN!?!"
→"babe i'm so sorry!"

―damian isn't too big on PDA but when you two are attending bruce's galas, it's the only time where that will happen. he doesn't like it when other boys your age are trying to flirt with you, so he'll be kissing your cheek and neck if they're trying to talk to you. the same applies if girls are trying to flirt with your man too

―having nerf gun battles in the manor. when you two are home alone. the house is completely dark and you two are playing to win. the games can get pretty deadly and scary, especially since the house has so many secret compartments. but you two always manage to have a good time...that's if when you two stop fighting over who one
→"I WON!"
→"NO, I WON!"

―damian resting his chin on the top of your head and wrapping his arms around your waist (because he's so tall). he usually does this when batman is giving mission debriefs, but mostly when you're in a bad mood. when your in his arms, damian just manages to give you that peace to relax and loosen up. he cares about you so much that he would do anything so that you can smile and feel at ease

―he's not much of a dancer BUT REALLY HE IS. damian is an exceptional dancer and it's rare for people to know that he's a good dancer. when you two are alone and he's in the mood to dance, damian will play some bachata music and the two of you will be dancing close. bachata is one of his favourite dances and he loves doing it with you 

―damian giving you constant reminders that you are the light in his eyes. you're his world and you mean so much to him. so whenever you feel that you're not good enough or that you don't compare to others and just feeling insecure...he'll giving you 1000 reasons why he loves you

TOXIC, batboy preferencesWhere stories live. Discover now