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Damaris Rana

It took Vincent exactly 47 minutes to find us according to Max. He burst through the door of the random entertainment room Max had dragged us into. His face was red and I could practically see steam coming out of his ears. He was mad.

"What. The. Fuck," he gritted out through his teeth. I could feel the waves of rage coming off of him.

I sunk into the corner of the sofa we sat on. Fear spiked at the anger in his expression. It didn't help that Max was also inching towards me, putting more distance between him and vincent.

"I have been putting up with your shit for years, but this? This crosses the fucking line," he seethed, stepping towards us, or more specifically, Max. "This isn't a fucking game. The kings will kill me if anything happens to her."

"She's fine," Max said, rolling his eyes. The tightening of his hold on my arm told me that everything was not fine.

Vincent was in front of max in a fraction of a second. He grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and got in his face. "What if she wasn't," he hissed before shoving him back into the couch, hard. "You claim to want me as a mate, but never listen and do things that would get me killed."

"They wouldn't kill you-"

"Yes, they would. Not everything is sunshine and rainbows like you like to believe. You may have protection from them because of your mom, but I don't! Why can't you-"

Vincent was cut off by his ringing phone. He pulled it out of his pocket and cursed before answering it. "Yes, Alpha King."

"Yes, she's with me and Max," he said sending a glare his way. "We'll head right over." He hung up and faced me. I shrunk into my shoulders under his gaze. "King Alec and King Luca have returned. They want to see you, come," he said before waiting to the door with his arms crossed.

Instead of jumping up and taking the lead like usual, Max remained seated, stiff. His hold on my arm tightened when vincent turned his glare towards him again. I guess this was the time where I helped Max instead of the other way around. I slowly got up, sliding Max's hand down until I could hold it in my own. With a squeeze and a smile, I pulled him to stand.

Taking a fortifying breath, I mustered every ounce of courage that had managed to survive everything with me and turned to face Vincent with a glare of my own. I was glad that I had time away from the three brothers. It helped bring back a bit of the courage that they took away.

"Lead the way," I said in a cold tone, squeezing Max's hand.

Vincent looked at our joined hands and frowned. Something flashed through his eyes, but when he looked up into mine again, it was gone. He nodded and turned, leading the way.

I started following him, pulling Max along with me. I scratched my upper arm with my free hand. I had a barely noticeable itch that wouldn't go away, making it more irritating than it should have been. A mimicked squeeze of my hand drew my attention to Max. He looked down at me with appreciation in his eyes and a smile on his lips. He didn't say anything, but never let go of my hand until we reached the secure double doors leading to the three brothers wing that I had been staying in.

We entered following Vincent. Max released my hand before we crossed the threshold, but stayed near. When Vincent stepped aside, my eyes landed on Alec who was lounging on the couch in black sweats and a black long sleeve shit. It was the most casually dressed that I had seen him. Luca walked down the stairs, wearing only a pair of grey sweats, his chiselled chest bare.

Blood rushed to my cheeks and heat blossomed between my legs as the sight of his half-naked body brought to mind the explicit dreams that I had been having each night since they left. Most of them featured Luca in his birthday suit doing unspeakable things to me, but there were ones with Alec and Jace along with some that featured them in pairs or the one where all three of them had played with my body at the same time. My cheeks burned so hotly that there was no doubt that my face was red as a tomato.

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