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Alec King

Retracting my fangs, I wiped the blood dripping from my jaw with my silk handkerchief. The bodies of the Moonshine Pack Alpha and Luna lay drained and dead at my feet. They just had to pick the hard way. If they just submitted to me and my brothers, they could have lived. But no, they just had to resist, costing them their lives and those of their pack.

'Luca, are you done dealing with the rest?' I mind link, my brother.

He's leading a small group of our warriors to kill the regular pack members, while my group deals with the warriors, Alpha, and Luna in the pack house.

'yeah, just finishing up in the last house,' he replied.

'Any sign of Jace?' I asked.

'No, he's probably off fucking around with someone.'

'Alright, I'm going to head off to the club. Meet me there after making sure there are no survivors,' I say heading towards my Bugatti La Voiture Noire.

It may seem cruel to kill an entire pack because their leaders choose not to cooperate, but they and their members knew that if they resist we kill everyone indiscriminately. Their leaders chose their pride over the lives of their pack members. So we delivered on our promise, we slaughtered them all to teach other packs and clans that resisting is futile.

My brothers and I are hybrids. Half-werewolf, and half vampire, natural enemies. We are the first in centuries to be born alive. Most die in their mothers wombs because the two conflicting halves of their blood attack each other until they kill them.

Our parents are the King of Wolves, and the Queen of Vampires. They were mates, but their hate for each others kind led them to refuse to be together. There is no such thing as rejection. You have one mate chosen by the goddess that presides over the supernatural beings. The mate bond created by her is indestructible and only grows stronger once the mates recognize each other.

The king and queen tried to ignore the mate bond to the best of their abilities. The two natural enemies, unable to resist the bond in their drunken state, ended up having an one night stand that led to the birth of hybrid triplets. I am the oldest, Luca the second, and Jace the youngest, all of us born minutes apart. We were unnatural abominations and were treated as such.

Our mother never got rid of us when she discovered she was pregnant because she thought we would die anyway, but surprise, we didn't. After we were born, neither our mother or father wanted us. We were handed off to the council that resided over the supernatural world. They tortured, and experimented on us, trying to test our limits and discover how it was possible we lived. Turns out, both our parent's genes were evenly powered, therefore when they could not overpower the other halves and kill it, they submitted to each other and coexisted. Having both the power of the worlds most powerful pureblood werewolf and pureblood vampire, made us the most powerful creatures to ever live.

After 150 years of being injected daily with ever increasing concentrations of wolfsbane and silver to weaken us, we had built up enough tolerance and found an opportunity to overthrow the council and massacre all their members with ease. We took our sweet time torturing our tormentors. We then decided to pay our lovely parents a visit. We killed them and took over their pack and clan, instantly becoming the leaders of all werewolves and vampires, and have been for almost half a century. Supernatural creatures are immortal, we physically stop ageing at the age of twenty-five, forever frozen in time.

The century and a half of neglect, abuse, and torture left a lasting effect. I witnessed the change that took place in my brothers, and I see it in the actions they take and the choices they make.

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