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Alec King

I left the room before my desire could win and make me do something that I would later regret. I almost lost all control when I spread her legs and my eyes saw her inviting lower lips. All I wanted to do was bury my head in her folds to lick, suck, and devour her as she moans in pleasure, begging for more.

Shaking the thoughts of everywhere I wanted to lick, touch, bite, and taste her, I head to my office to complete paperwork to distract myself. Luca and Jace also did the same, heading to their own respective offices on either side of mine.

Once I was alone, I couldn't help but be filled with anger as I remember the way that we found her. If she hadn't passed the meeting room we were in, leaving her lingering scent, we would have been too late. When we saw her pinned to the wall and sobbing while Ed was about to rape her I had discovered that I had an unlocked level of rage that I never knew existed. I clenched my fists, regretting ripping the damn bastard apart so soon. He and his friend were spared from all the pain I wish to inflict upon them due to the blind rage me and my brothers were drowning in.

After trying, not necessarily succeeding, to focus on the report from our head warrior that I held in my hand, I felt a sharp pain on my left wrist. I directed my attention to my wrist and found nothing to indicate why I would feel such pain, so I ignored it, played it off as myself imagining things. It would have worked except I felt the pain again, stronger.

I slapped my right hand over my wrist where the pain struck. I removed my hand to find that my wrist looked fine causing my eyebrows to furrow in confusion.

The door to my office slammed open and Jace walked in panicking.

"I think there's something wrong with me," he said. "I keep feeling pain on my wrist but nothing's wrong with it."

"Me too," Luca says, walking in behind him.

"I did too," I said, looking down at my arm.

"What if..." Luca starts, causing me and Jace to turn our attention to him.

"What?" Jace asked.

"What if it's not our pain?" He asks just as another sharp pain goes up my forearm vertically.

We all look at each other for a second before realization dawns. The moment it did we all lunged for the door.

We reached my room to find one of the guards we posted at the door banging on the washroom door. The moment I enter the room the overwhelming scent of blood overtook my senses. Our mate's blood.

Not wasting another second, I pushed the guard out of the way and slammed my body into the locked door. The door splintered and gave way effortlessly, falling to the ground.

"I love you, Simon," I heard her whisper weakly as I stumbled into the bathroom.

Anger filled my entire body at her words, moments away from turning into full-blown rage, but it fizzled out the moment my eyes fell on our mate.

My eyes widened and I froze, taking in what was in front of me. She sat unconscious against the wall on the floor of the walk-in shower as ice cold water fell on her. Her lips were turning blue and purple, and all signs of the warmth that filled her were gone. Her left arm was bleeding profusely from where I felt pain earlier, and her heartbeat was barely audible, an irregular flutter that was slowing with every passing second. There was also a razor blade on the ground, the object she used to...

No, she wouldn't... She couldn'

I just stood frozen, unable to move or think, only capable of staring as the blood flowed in crimson ribbons from her arm. Blood that under any other circumstance I would crave with a dire need, wishing it to be flowing into my mouth, coating my taste buds in the most delectable flavour in existence. At this moment though, I wanted nothing more than to be able to put all of it back into her veins.

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