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Luca King

It's been a days since Alec ordered our mate be tortured on a daily basis. I almost ripped Mike's throat out the moment I smelt him covered in our mate's blood, Alec held me back. Just one more inch and he would be on the ground, his blood masking the scent I caught from the red splatters of our mate's on his clothes.

Jace has been sombre and keeping to himself since he hurt our mate. He stays in his room whenever he is free, doesn't even acknowledge any women who attempt to grab his attention, and he actually does the work that's he's responsible for without being asked. It seems like he's burying himself under a pile of work to prevent his thoughts from wandering off to the pain he caused our mate. He feels all this regret for what he did to him, but he hasn't said a single word to get Alec to stop. It's like he's simply ignoring his existence.

I was driving home from Choas, on edge knowing that my mate is currently suffering. Yes, mine. If Alec and Jace are going to be dicks and not treat him like he should be treated, then they lose their rights to claim him. He is mine and mine alone.

I don't like my mate being male, but it's not for me to decide. The goddess chose him and she must have her reasons. Made me wonder if I'm gay and just in denial, but I know that's not the case. I tried to open my mind to the idea, I'm positive my brothers have too. I tried watching gay porn, imagined being with a man, but every attempt just made it crystal clear that I am straight, but that doesn't mean that I would toss my mate aside, ignore his existence, and treat him like a horrid criminal that needs to suffer.

Even though I don't want to have sex with him, I know he can make my eternal life one of bliss because that's what mates do. They give life meaning, make you happy, satisfied, and complete you. I'm not going to throw away the possibility of having a life that up until recently I thought I could only dream of with no hope of it coming true just because my mate has a dick attached to him instead of the preferred breasts and vagina. Who knows, maybe after getting to know him better I might even mount him and fuck his ass until all he knows and is aware of is my hard cock thrusting in and out of him, dominating him, claiming him.

I groan as the thought of taking my mate makes my cock come to life. I might not want to fuck a guy, but my dick is contradicting my claim by rising at the thought of being inside my mate, doesn't matter if it's not a wet pussy, the thought of having my cock buried deep inside of him as I shoot my load makes me shudder in anticipation, because I know from my physical reaction and from the influence of the growing bond that I will take my mate at some point, dominate him until all he can do is scream my name as I pound him from behind.

I let out a long sigh as I park my car in front of the door as a 'servant' runs towards me to park the car. I may address them as servants but they are really just slaves, food, or toys.

Humans in the supernatural world are nothing more than objects and tools used to satisfy our desires. The highest rank they can achieve among us is being a pet to a supernatural, and that isn't really a rank at all, it just means they exclusively serve only one master and cannot be used at random by anyone at any time like the other humans. They wear collars like humans put on their pet animals, that indicates who owns them and shows others their position. They make those who want to kill a human only pause for a nanosecond to confirm that it's not a pet to one of the really high ups. Powerful individuals do not care about their pet being raped, harmed, or killed, but they do get pissed that someone used, damaged, or destroyed their property.

My brothers and I use humans as slaves and food, Alec and Jace also use them as objects to relieve themselves when the women that throw themselves at us are not around. They only use the human women that are willing and want it, they do not rape any because they know all too well what that's like. Besides riding and sucking dick, they also do the cooking, cleaning, and maintenance around the property.

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