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Damaris Rana

"So, who's the poor guy that's got the three all pissy?" Max quietly whispers in my ear out of nowhere, making me jump and choke on the sip of water I just took.

"You've-" I start to ask, whipping my head in his direction with neck-breaking speed, but he stops me by slapping his hand over my mouth and shushing me.

"One of your three musketeers is in the room next door listening and playing guard dog, so whisper," he said while grabbing the remote before continuing. "Last time I asked about the blond cutie I almost lost my tongue. I would really rather that not happen again," he whispered, turning the tv volume up to hide our conversation from unwelcome ears.

"You've seen Simon?" I quietly rush out of my mouth the moment he moves his hand.

"Oh so the cute blondie is called Simon, huh?" He asks rhetorically while seeming to be getting lost in his thoughts that, from the look on his face, were anything but innocent. "And yeah, I'm the resident bearer of food for the prisoners. You of all people should be aware of that," he answers while shoving another handful of popcorn into his mouth and grimacing at the end of his statement. "Sorry."

"I need to see him, please!" I beg quietly, ignoring his comment as I pounce onto his arm.

I have to make sure he's okay. I can't believe what Luca said until I see it with my own eyes. I've learned my lesson on believing the words of liars, the lesson being- don't.

His hand froze in the bowl of popcorn that sat on his lap. Turning away from the TV on the wall across from his bed where we sat against the headboard, he looked at me with an expression that seemed to ask, 'are you stupid?'

"You see, sweet cheeks, me wanting to keep my tongue is not at the top of my priorities list. Keeping my life? Now, that is. And I'm positive that letting you see the blond who I've heard Jace refer to as the 'lovesick dead fuck' would get me a direct ticket to hell. I don't plan on making my dramatic entrance there before sending that asshat Vince there first so he can kiss the unholy ground that I walk upon when I emerge in a storm of flames."

Guilt started to fill my chest. "I-I'm sorry," I apologize.

I shouldn't be asking this of him. He's just as safe from the three monsters as I am, and that's not at all. I shouldn't bring anyone else into my problems. That's why Simon's in the predicament that he's in right now because I sucked him into my pathetic life and everything it entails. I won't do the same to one of the few people in my life that was and is kind to me and makes me feel safe.

"I won't drag you into my problems, but please let me know he's alright and where he is. I'll go to him myself, they'll never know you had anything to do with it. I'll make sure of it," I plead.

He lets out an exaggerated sigh and throws his arm around my shoulders. Pulling me back, he makes me lean back against the headboard and look at the tv.

"Guess I'll have to multitask and plot a vampire's murder while also planning to sneak your tiny ass downstairs," he said. He shoots me an analyzing look as his eyes scan over my body. "We really do need to do something about that ass though. Gotta give them something to grab onto while they fuck you senseless."

His words make the colour drain from my face.

"I'm kidding," he mutters while rolling his eyes when he sees my face, but I get a feeling he's not.

Pushing the horrifying images he conjured in my mind aside, I focus on the first half of what he said. I can't focus on the second half because I'd really rather not have a panic attack at the moment, plus I plan on getting me and Simon out of here before I'd have to face such a dilemma.

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