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Damaris Rana

As the bullet hit Alec in the stomach, a pang of pain and guilt shot through my heart. I clenched at the fabric that  it with a small whimper while keeping my eyes locked on the three brothers, afraid that if I looked away they would attack me in retaliation.

The three were looking at me with shock filled faces, Alec's also containing rage. All their faces softened and worry filled them when they heard my whimper. Luca and Jace remained with concerned faces aimed at me while Alec's returns to being one of rage. Noticing the waves of anger coming from his brother, Jace spoke.

"You can't be pissed she shot you. You dared her too."

"Who the fuck shoots their own mate?" Alec asked as his eyes that burned with anger stayed locked on me.

"Who the fuck tortures their's?" Luca shot back, causing Alec to growl.

I watched on with wide eyes in shock, confusion, and fear. The bullet seemed to have no effect whatsoever. He didn't seem the least bit fazed. He didn't even react when the bullet hit him!

My fear increased and my shaking body curled in on itself against the wall as he lifted his shirt up and reached his fingers into the wound and pulled out the bullet, showing no signs of pain.

"Fucking silver," he muttered before tossing it aside.

"H-how, y-y-you..." I started, unable to form a proper sentence from shock.

The three of them looked at me with looks of confusion before Jace's turned to a look of horror.

"S-she doesn't know," he whispered. "She never knew," he said louder as he grabbed his hair with both his hands, "she was never a threat," he continued, his voice returning to a whisper as he looked like he was about to burst into tears.

My fear spiked as Alec recovered from whatever shocked the three of them and started to stalk towards me. A sudden rush of adrenaline slightly eased my fear and helped propel me to my feet. I turned and ran down the hallway.

"Haha," I heard Alec chillingly laugh. "You better run fast, Kitten or the big bad wolf's going to catch you," he warned a hint of amusement in his voice.

I raced down the hallway, making it to the top of the stairs leading down. Just as I was about to take the first step, a large, thick, muscled arm wrapped around my waist.

"Caught you," Alec whispered, his lips brushed against my ear as his body pressed up against my back.

I let out a loud, terrified scream as he turned me around and threw me over his shoulder. My scream was cut short as his shoulder dug into my stomach. I struggled, trying to break free from his grasp. I hit his back with my fists, squirming around as his arm tightly wrapped around the back of my thighs, holding me in place. My desperate struggle caused his shoulder to further dig into my stomach painfully. I suddenly froze with a yelp as Alec landed a sharp slap against my ass.

"Stop moving, you're hurting yourself," he said as he walked back towards his brothers.

Frozen in shock and fear, I didn't react until we were in a room similar to the one that I first woke up in, except this one was in darker tones.

Alec gently tossed me onto the bed covered in black bedding. I immediately sat up and started backing away. My fear increased as the fact that I was completely bare under the dress become more apparent while on the bed.

This was it.

Tears filled my eyes once again as I realized what was going to happen. They were going to rape me. The only reason they helped me earlier was because they want to be the ones to do it first. They wanted to be the ones to crush and destroy me completely. I couldn't fight off Ed who was smaller than the brothers in front of me, so how could I even begin to hope that I have a chance against these three. Not to mention that the fact I shot one of them was going to make the whole experience even worse as they would be even harsher in their assault.

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