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Damaris Rana

"Aris!" Lia yelled bursting through my door.

"Hey, Lia, what's up?" I replied while I looked for my lock picks.

"I got a girlfriend!" She replied, grabbing my arm while bouncing up and down.

"What about not so slim Jim? I'm sure your sugar daddy won't like that," I said, shrugging her arms off.

I find the lock picks in the top drawer of the worn white dresser that holds my clothes. I take it and place it into my backpack along with a flashlight, gloves, a black mask, the kind surgeons wear that covers your mouth and nose, and a pocket knife.

"Jim doesn't need to know, I'm still his sugar baby. Plus, he said I couldn't have a boyfriend, nothing about having a girlfriend."

"What about her? Is she cool with you having a sugar daddy while you're going out?" I ask while turning towards her, raising an eyebrow.

"I'm going to find out tonight. We have a date and I'm planning on telling her," she said, looking nervous about it.

"Don't worry, everything will be fine. If she's okay with it then we'll celebrate, if she's not, then I'll have a tub of ice cream and a bottle of vodka ready," I said, hugging her.

"Thanks, Aris, I needed that," she said pulling away. "I stopped by cause I knew you'd make me feel better, but I should get going, our dates at 8:00 and it's already 7:30."

"Good luck! Keep me updated!" I yell as she walks out.

I go over to Simon's side of the floor and grab his small laptop. It has some programs that he created that can hack most security systems. He has a knack for computers and programming and is more skilled than he likes to admit. I slip it into my bag and pull out my phone.

Shelly had informed the client that I accepted the job. They sent the address and a copy of the blueprints to the house, more like mansion, that I'm supposed to rob. It has four floors above ground level and has another three underneath. The office that has the plans I need to get is located on the third floor.

Plan A so far is to circle around the mansion and see if I can find an open window on one of the floors. I can climb up the side, sneak in through there, get to the plans, and sneak back out a window in the office or near it. I would have to worry about running into fewer people.

Plan B is if I can't find any open windows. I would have to enter through the first floor, sneak my way up without being noticed, and then I could open and exit through a window. It's riskier then plan A because there's a higher chance of running into someone.

I exchange my white shirt for a black hoodie, so it's easier to blend into the dark. I ensured that my wig is secure on my head and that the bangs laid perfectly over my forehead so my hair line is hidden in case of imperfections that might give me away. I used so many pairs of crossing bobby pins to hold it that it couldn't be removed even if someone grabbed my hair and yanked it. I check my make up again before grabbing my bag and heading out.

I ride the bus to a friend's auto body shop. I enter and head towards his personal collection. I stop when I spot a black Ninja sports bike. I run my had across the matte black finish, a small smile forming on my lips.

"You know, I'm thinking of selling that bike. You won't let me ride it, but keep telling me to keep it until you can buy it, which by the way, is taking forever. I don't really get anything out of this arrangement while selling it could give me the extra money I need to get that 67 mustang I found."

"Don't you dare," I said, turning around to face Raj. "If you sell my baby, I'll make you regret it," I glared at him.

"I'm kidding, I'm kidding," he chuckled. "I learned not to mess with you after I saw what you did to Simon after he pissed you off."

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