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Damaris Rana

"Alright, the last thing I need to do is draw some blood, then you can go see Dr. Fullerton while I examine the results of the tests."

I managed to go what feels like hours while being placed in various machines that look like death traps, being moved around and repositioned like a rag doll without making a sound of protest, but at the mention of being poked by a needle? I squeal like a damn pig and leap off the examination table where I sat in a paper-thin hospital gown. It's different when I get stabbed by one when I have no idea what's happened as opposed to being aware and witnessing it happen.


I shrink my head between my shoulders as Alec speaks my name in warning. He's attached himself to my side since my panicked outburst, leaving my side only when the doctor made him so she could conduct her tests.

I back myself away from him and the doctor holding the needle she intends to pierce my skin with. A cold layer of sweat coats my skin as my eyes lock onto the sharp point that gleams in the florescent light that baths the room.

"Damaris!" Alec repeats, the harsher tone of his voice making me flinch.

He grabs my arm is his steal tight hold and drags me back towards the table, ignoring my panicked pleas.

"Stop overreacting, it's a simple prick, nothing compared to what you have already endured." He chastises.

Of course, he would think that. He doesn't know why I fear the sharp prick of a needle. No one does, not even Simon.

I close my eyes and let out an ear-piercing scream as memories engulf me. Alec's hold on my arm falters as he stops dragging me.

It's all the hesitation I need.

I harshly rip my arm from his hold, not caring that his nails leave red scratches that stand out against the silvery scars that mar my arms. I back myself into a corner feeling like a caged animal as memories crash through the protective wall that I built around them to keep them locked away.

"Alec," Luca says in warning.

All it took was seeing the sharp point of a needle to lose all sense of reality and to become trapped in memories.

* * *

"You want to be a fucking lawyer?" He bends over in laughter, slapping his knee before abruptly stopping, anger replacing his amusement. "You think your so much better than me you, little bitch!" he screamed as his hand came crashing down on my red, tear coated cheek, sending my body crashing to the floor.

I cover my stinging skin with one hand, crawling my little body backwards, away from the monster. It's what daddy becomes when he drinks the bad-smelling water or when he gets up after poking himself with the scary needles.

"You think you're so high and mighty? Judging me with those eyes like uncle Jay? You are and will be nothing but a worthless cunt!"

He grabs me by the collar of my favourite Sailor Moon shirt the nice neighbour aunty gave me, dragging me up to his face. My small feet kick in the air struggling to find the ground.

"You think people will look at you as anything but my daughter? Think you will be anything other than like me?" He throws his head back in a mocking laugh that assaults my ears. "You are nothing but a disgrace! You will amount to nothing!"

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