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Damaris Rana

The sun peaked through the clouds as the wind blew dead leaves along the sidewalk. I could see a mini twister forming by one of the storm drains as I walked past. Shoving my numb hands into my pockets, I kicked the small rock in my path.

Max was probably freaking out at the moment. Enough time must have passed for him to notice that I had slipped out of the apartment. Vincent and Yves weren't there to stop me either since they were out doing the weekly grocery run.

I shivered as my breath come out in a condensated cloud. I shouldn't have gone out in such cold weather with only a hoodie on. But I couldn't stand sitting there listening to Max give his daily update to Luca- or was it Jace? It definitely wasn't Alec. According to Max, he had dropped off the face of the planet after that night.

That night...

I dug my nails into my palm and picked up my speed. I didn't want to think about that. Thinking about it made my skin crawl. I was barely able to get the words out when Max started noticing something was wrong. Actually, I never did say the word. Saying it would make it more real than I wished it was.

I wish I hadn't told him. It had been weeks and he was still badgering me to talk about it or go to therapy. I didn't want to do that. I wanted to forget it happened. I wanted to go back in time and listen to my gut instincts. I wanted to go back in time and never take that job in the first place.

When the influence of the alcohol started to fade that night, pieces of what had truly happened played through my head before realization had set in, followed by denial. I had just lost the one person I believed in and trusted- in more ways than one. Thinking about it, about him, only served to taint the good memories that I had. His words, his touch, they painted over each good memory with a brush full of black ink. They were no longer moments of joy and laughter with my friend who I loved, but lies and deception of the man who took what wasn't his to take.

The realization lessened the pain of his death, but he was still the boy that I had loved for all those years. I didn't love him anymore. The pain, anger, and hatred I felt towards him was slowly bulldozing over everything we had until there was nothing left in my heart but a gaping hole where he once was. That was without taking into account Alec's words that night. But I couldn't handle acknowledging that tidbit of information yet. I knew that once I did, I could never look at the world with the same eyes I once had. Not that I could now anyways.

I kicked the rock harder than I meant to in frustration. It bounced a few times before coming to a stop in front of an old storefront. The mint green paint was peeling while the sigh above was lopsided, hanging only on one hook. I looked through the dirty window to find rows of shelves holding second-hand books. Despite its deteriorated appearance, the used bookstore held its own little charm.

I was about to continue walking when I noticed the sign in the corner of the window.

Help wanted.

I stopped and stared at it. So far, all the expenses such as rent and groceries were being paid using the card Luca had slipped Max before leaving. They had held true to their word and let me go, only requiring daily check-ins that didn't include the location of where Vincent had driven us to.

My heart twisted. I rubbed my chest at the thought of them. Of everything that happened that night, the clearest memory was the pain and betrayal that Alec, Luca, and Jace's eyes held. I touched the scar of Alec's bite on my shoulder. An intense shiver racked through my body the moment my fingers touched it.

They didn't know what happened. In their eyes, they walked in on me having sex with the man I loved for years while smiling. I wasn't fighting, screaming, or crying when they burst into the room. They had no way of knowing that I was smiling at the memory that I had hidden myself in to escape reality. My reaction to Simon's dead body probably didn't do anything to convey what had actually occurred. I hadn't even realized what had actually happened at the moment.

After all, who would want to believe that the man they loved would do such a thing?

Max wanted to tell them. I didn't. He begged me to, threatened to do it himself if I wouldn't, but I knew he wouldn't. He wouldn't violate my trust like that after everything that I had been through.

I looked at the hand-painted sign. A job. It could act as a distraction, a temporary break from replaying the scene that's been playing in my head like a recurring nightmare, not that I wasn't having those too. It would make it so I didn't need Luca's money to pay for necessities. So I didn't need anyone but myself. No one can hurt me if there is no one to hurt me.

I wrapped my hand around the icy metal of the bar on the door and pushed it open. The wind whipped strands of my hair around, stinging my cheeks. A small bell at the top of the door announced my entrance into the empty store.

I walked up to the counter that held an old fashion cash register while looking around.

"I'll be with you in a moment," a feminine voice yelled from being the beaded curtain leading into the back room.

"Take your time," I replied, picking up one of the novels from a stack near the register. The cracks on the crease and cover made it evident that it was a well-read book. I leafed through the pages until an older woman in a shawl stepped through the beaded curtains.

"How can I help you, dear?" she asked, a smile on her face and cheeks rosy.

"I saw your sign outside," I said, gesturing over my shoulder with my thumb as I put the book down. "I was wondering if the position is still open?"

"Oh, yes! It still is. I've had that sign up for ages now, but haven't been able to find someone to help out around here as of yet. My bones are getting old and carrying stacks of books is getting more difficult with each day that passes," she sighed. "If you want the job, it's as good as yours as long as you can carry at least 25lbs and are okay with being paid minimum wage," she said, her smile making the wrinkles around her eyes more prominent.

I returned her smile, but mine didn't reach my eyes. "Yes, I can, and that perfectly fine."

"Then great!" She said with a clap. "You're hired! I'll get some paperwork for you to fill out and you can start as soon as tomorrow morning at 8 am if you're available..." she trailed off not knowing my name, her hand stretched out in front of her to shake mine.

"Damaris, Damaris Rana," I provided while taking her hand in mine and shaking it.

"Well, it's nice to meet you, Damaris. My name is Jane and my husband, who you'll see around here often, is Magnus."

End of Book One.

Their Thief: Book 1 is complete and available on Patreon.

Their Thief: Redemption is currently being updated on Patreon.


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