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Damaris Rana

Simon had flicked off the safety on his handgun seconds before the door was kicked open, ripping the chain lock off. He aimed the gun at the brown-haired man who walked in while his blonde friend stood in the hall with his arms crossed in front of the door.

The man who walked in scanned the dimly lit motel room before his eyes landed on me as I stand partly shielded by Simon. A look of confusion passed over his face.

"Who the hell are you?" asked Simon in a harsh voice.

"Hey, Vincent," he called, his eyes scanning me up and down as he ignored Simons question, "we're looking for a boy right?" he asked, turning towards the blonde.

"Yeah," he said giving him a 'are you stupid' look. "Hurry up and grab the brat," he continued, narrowing his eyes at him in annoyance. "The Kings are already pissed it took us so long to find him, I'd like to return before they decide to kill us."

"Why don't you come grab him then?" replied the man in the room with a smug look.

"Charles, we don't have time for your shit," Vincent said, glaring.

Charles simply stepped back in response and gestured with his hand for Vincent to enter, which he did with a disgruntled sigh. He stepped into the room, causing Simon to protectively push me further behind him as he cocked the gun in warning.

"What. Do. You. Want," Simon questions, stressing each word he spoke through clenched teeth.

Vincent, like Charles, ignored him while he scanned the room and directs his focus on me.

"What the fuck?" He questions no one specifically as his eyebrows scrunched together in confusion.

He took a step towards us, causing Simon to push me back, and sniffed the air in our direction.

"It's the same scent," he said to Charles while running his eyes over me.

"But not the same person," Charles added.

"Let's just bring her in," Vincent said with an annoyed sigh. "We have a better chance of living to see tomorrow if we can show them that we did as we were told, even if it's not the results they wanted."

"What about the guy," Charles asked, gesturing to Simon with his chin.

"We need to take him too."

"Like hell you're taking either of us," Simon said, gripping his gun tighter. "You move an inch to grab either of us and I'll shoot you," he continued as he switched his aim to Vincent.

Both the men just looked at us than each other before Charles burst out laughing. Vincent simply looked at us, not amused at all.

"Look, he thinks he's all tuff'n shit," he said while whipping away a tear from laughing so hard.

While Charles calmed down from his laughing fit, Vincent moved faster than humanly possible. He grabbed the gun from Simons' hand and pistol-whipped him, knocking him out.

"Simon!" I yelled as I tried to catch his falling body.

The weight of his body caused my weakened body to fall along with his, in the process I was able to protect his head from any possible injuries. I tried shaking him awake but it was useless, he was out cold.

As I tried to slap him awake, Charles stalked towards me with a white cloth in his hand.

"Night night, human," he said before he reached for me, covering my mouth and nose with the damp cloth while his other hand was at the back of my head, keeping it in place.

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