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Jace King

Pain spread from the gaping hole that I felt was replacing my heart in my chest until it was all I felt. The desperate need go to our mate was consuming me but the pain and utter devastation wracking my body was making it near impossible to move.

I struggled through the pain and pushed myself to my knees before shakily rising to my feet. I landed against the wall unable to support my weight. Alec was on the ground on his side crying and screaming, clutching his hands over his heart. His claws were out and drawing blood as they dug into his skin. Luca was on his hands and knees, desperately trying to crawl his way towards our mate as screams of pain and sorrow left him.

I clenched my jaw and my fists. The pain from my extended claws digging into my skin was nothing compared to the one overtaking my body but it was enough for me to focus on getting to her.

I took a step forward but let out a pained shout as my knees gave out and I dropped to the floor. Determined, I got back up, the process taking longer than before. I dragged my feet on the ground while the wall I leaned against kept me upright, slowly moving closer to the door. I fell once more over Alec's body, hitting the floor with enough force to rattle my teeth. Instead of getting up again, I dragged my body across the floor to the door that Luca had opened. I pull myself up using the door frame as support and look inside.

I see the nurse holding up one of the many different types of blood bags that Dr. Patel had packed. They must have tasted her blood to determine which one they needed and attached it to our mate's vein. The thought of anyone else drinking our mate's blood angered me, especially since one of them was a male. Him simply being near our mate had me wanting to rip him apart, but I push down my anger knowing it was necessary.

Dr. Patel was straddling our mate's lifeless body. She had her hands locked together on her chest as she did chest compressions, trying to get her heart beating once more.

The longer our mate was dead, the further into a feral state I was driven. I could feel my canines lengthen and fur sprouting all over my body. A strong bloodlust was overtaking me and all I wanted to do is feed and kill as my consciousness was slowly fading away, yielding to the hunger and violence that was replacing it.

My eyes lock onto the nurse that was holding the bag of blood. I was moments away from lunging at him and ripping his throat out but before I could, it all stopped.

Thump. Thump. Thump.

The faint sound of her heart beating was all I was aware of as everything else vanished. The bloodlust and need to kill vanished as tears of joy leaked from my eyes.

She's alive!

I fell to my knees as relief flooded my body. The sobs of anguish were now replaced with cries of relief. I tried to move towards her but only managed to fall forwards as the exhaustion of losing our mate, even if it was momentarily, caused my vision to blur before everything went dark.

Damaris Rana

Beep. Beep. Beep.

A constant rhythmic beeping sound kept echoing in my head. I tried to open my eyes but found that I couldn't no matter how hard I tried. I then tried to move my arms but couldn't even lift a finger.

The harder I tried to get a response from my body, the faster the beeping sound got. My panicking worsened when I felt something in my nose, running down my throat.

"What's happening?" I heard a panicked male voice ask. It sounded muffled like I was hearing it from under a layer of water.

"Patel!" Yelled a different male voice.

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