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Jace King

The glass paperweight faintly kissed the ceiling.

"Until Dean completes the upgrades, I want twice as many men patrolling. Do you have any updates on locating Magnus and Jane?" Alec asked Charles as the icy, smooth surface of the weight met the warmth of my palm.

"No, Alpha, they can't be located and no new information has been found," he answered as a hint of fear tainted the air. "It's like they disappeared after their last attack."

A stack of papers slammed onto Alec's desk.

"Keep. Trying. I want a confirmed location within the next two days or I'll be getting a new Beta," he threatened.

"Yes, Alpha."

The sound of the door opening then closing could be heard as I tossed the circular weight once more.

"We need to get the demon crystals for Rosalina before we find them. It'll take a few days for her to complete the enchantment on the dagger. I want to get rid of them the moment we find them," Alec said while walking around his desk.

"I suggest we get them ourselves. We'll be able to get the crystals from stronger demons. Stronger crystals equal a stronger dagger. I don't want to go through all this just to find out Magnus and Jane have levelled up when we go for the finishing move. Remember last time?" I asked, catching the weight and lifting my head from the back of the couch to look at Alec with a raised brow.

"Yes, I fucking remember last time," he sneers, no doubt remembering when he got the enchanted dagger halfway through Magnus's chest a few years ago. Just when we thought we had won he was thrown back several meters when the dark essence activated a protection spell stronger than the dagger itself.

I shrug off his annoyance. "Just making sure," I reply before leaning back on the couch and looking up at the ceiling to toss the weight again.

Luca sighs. "Me and you can go while Jace stays back and keeps an eye on things here and makes sure nothing happens to Damaris."

"You want to leave her with him?" Alec asked skeptically.

I catch the paperweight and snort in disbelief. "As opposed to you? She pisses herself everytime you even look at her. Hell, I'm pretty sure you don't even have to do that to scare her! Your existence is enough!"

"Rich coming from the guy who whipped her bloody the third time he met her."

"And who's fucking fault is th-"

"Both of you, shut up!" Luca shouts. "We are not doing this right now." He turns to Alec. "She's his mate, too. Despite his inability to deal with simple responsibility, I'm sure he can get his shit together if it concerns her safety. If he had any skills in tracking I would be the one staying instead."

Alec let out a sigh laced with defeat as he rubbed his hand over his face. "I'll tell Julius to prepare the jet. We'll find stronger ones up north in the territories."

He glares at me as he heads for the door.

"Have fun yeti hunting, I'll make sure princess doesn't miss you too much- oh wait, that doesn't require any effort at all!" I shouted after Alec as he left.

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