Chapter Twenty Six

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'Gone!?! What do you mean gone?' I shout at Alex.
'Max please he's trying to do what's best' Tia gets in the way of the door, I shove Tia out of the way and rush to the front door, I open it and run as far as I can to her house. I try the handle and it's locked, I can smell her scent it's only faint. I slump against the front door and hold my head in my hands.
I feel like I've been say here forever when I hear my mother's voice.
'Now come on sweetheart you know what he's doing is for the best for you, please remember what happen with Tia and Matthew' my mum sits down beside me and wraps her arm around me.
'How can he be so selfish?' I cry
'He just wants to do what's best for you and you not to regret it, it's only a week, you'll know it a week not a whole lifetime seven days will fly by son I promise'
'Mum I know now who the stronger mate is and it's Lily.' I sobbed in her arms.
'I am so sorry mine and your fathers choices did this to you.' She holds me tighter.
'It's fine mum I promise' I slowly get up,
'I'll go pack I guess' my mum looks shifty.
'No Max I can't risk you going back to Alex's yet?' I hold my hand out to her to help her up.
'Why? I am willing to do what he wants'
'Max sweetheart, do you not remember what u did when u leave so quick?' I try and think.
'You push Tia on the floor lucky Sofia caught her and soften her fall, Alex is furious he doesn't want u near Tia and I don't want you near him' Oh shit I didn't realise.
'Mum I am so sorry I didn't mean to'
'I know and Tia knows, but Alex's pup and mate is his everything, you father is talking to him and the doctor is there seeing to Tia, come on let's get a move on to this house of yours'
'You know where it is?'
'Yes, it's just an empty one on the outskirts of the pack lands, Sofia's friends are staying in the guest house for the week so it's just you guys'
'Wow he actually did sort everything?'
'He just wants to give you a chance. He spoke to Lily you know and told her he knows how it feels Max' I stare at her
'He did what?'
'He had a chat with her before he gave her the tickets he looked after her before dealing with you!' I feel like an ass, I guess he really was trying to help, I get he didn't want other Matthew situation I truly do.
'Mum tell him I am sorry' she smiles at me.
'He's knows u are it's just his over protectiveness.' I just nod and follow her.

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