Chapter Twenty Two

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Lily POV
I wake up to an empty bed.
'Max?' I call out there is no reply. I sit up and quick get dress, I check the time in my phone seven am is so early. I check in our bathroom and there is no sign of him. I decided to check out the rest of the house. I head downstairs I start to walk down the stairs and see Tia in the hallway pacing up and down,
'Tia, hey Tia have you seen Max?' Tia rushes forward towards to meet me at the bottom of the stairs.
'Lily we need to go into the dining room' she starts pushing me towards it.
'But Max Tia, what happened to him? I can't find him anywhere' Her eyes fill with tears.
'Oh my god he's not dead is he?' She shakes her head, I hear his voice coming from the main living room, I pull away from Tia and look at her confused and walk forward towards the doorway it takes a minute for me to take in what I see, Max with his arm around another girl. I look at Tia and she trying to encourage me to walk to the dining room with her.
'Please Lily come with me I'll explain, as soon as we are in the dining room' then the penny finally drops, Max has found his mate, my heart breaks into a thousands pieces... my hands go straight to my chest over my heart.
'No' I whisper I can't stop the tears falling.
'I so sorry I didn't want you to see them Lily.'
Tia takes a step forward I shake my head step back. Max looks up at me, my view is soon blocked by Alex standing between me and Max in the doorway.
'I need to go, we both need time Tia' As I run toward the front door, I quickly go through it. I turn my head and look back into the living window, I take one last look at Max and his mate on the sofa. This breaks my heart I don't know if this will be the last time I ever see him. I can't be the reason for him to give up his destiny that's not fair, if this is what he wants I'll respect his wishes. I reach into my pocket and pull out my phone and dial my Dad's number. He answers on the second ring -
'Lily what's wrong?'
'Dad I need a transfer as soon as you can and I want it as far away from this place please'
'What's happened Lily'
'I am on my way home I won't be long.' I hung up and rush over to my car, I quickly unlock my car and jump in, I turn my keys in the car's ignition.
'Please come back,' Tia is banging at my car window, I slowly let it down as I do this I make sure to lock my cars doors.
'I can't return here, he's happy I bet Alex is over the moon' Tia shakes her head her face is covered in tears.
'He doesn't hate you, he just don't want you to get hurt in all this mess I promise' Tia say as she tries to open my car door.
'He feels sorry for me?'
'No, he don't he, just don't think it's fair for you to get feelings for someone who is promised to someone else that's all'
'No I respect that' I guess it makes sense.
'It's nothing personal Lily, I swear but I don't want you hurt human or not it's unfair to lead someone on when we all know that's there a chance he could pick his wolf mate' I turn and see Alex stood by Tia.
'That don't matter now who he's picking or not, at this very moment it's not about anyone else but you Lily, I need to know you're ok' I smile at Tia and Alex.
'I have to go, I'll ring u later I promise' I say with a smile, I quickly put my foot on the gas and go as quick as I can. I watch in my rear mirror as Alex pulls Tia in for a hug.

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