Chapter Three

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'Oh my babies are home' my Mum says as she runs toward me and grabs my face, pulling it down to her level and kisses me on my forehead.
'Mum! Knock if off it ain't been that long' I say as I wipe my forehead, geeez this women.
'Where are they? Where my son and his mate? I can't wait to meet her? All of the warriors have refusing to tell me anything. How could your brother order them not to tell me anything!' Seven hours in a car and I just walk into my home, and yeah my mother attacks me, this is not the greeting I was expecting, I have a date with my bed planned.
'Alex is just helping Tia out of the car mum he'll be in soon' I say as I walk into one of the living rooms, my Mum follow behind me, but she stays near the door way, I guess she is waiting there to see when Alex walks in the house. My Dad is in the living waiting, like a normal person to greet people.
'Son you ok?' My father says as he shakes my hand and pulls me in for a hug.
'Yeah just tired, I am so glad to be home, having Tia kidnapped while Alex was gone was a nightmare I honestly thought he would have my....' my mother's screams intrup my sentence.
'There he is my Alpha son' my mother rans in to the hallway to greets Alex and we hear her burst into tears. I turn and throw myself onto the sofa onto the nearest sofa, I've had enough with all this lovely dovely stuff.
'It will be you one day son' my Dad says laughing as he sits opposite me.
'Nah I don't care about a mate or anything, I am more than happy just being me'
'Yeah we all say that son' my Dad laughs at me more.
'Do you regret not meeting yours dad?'
'I felt her die a lot time ago, in fact it was when I turned eighteen, I felt it I knew she had died, it kinda hard to explain, but in a way I am glad I didn't meet her. If I did meet her I wouldn't of have your mother or you and I wouldn't of got Alex as a step son so no, no regrets' he smiles
'Father meet Tia' Alex leads Tia into the living room by her hand, this mate thing has really changed him he never really address my Dad as father he just calls him by his name, my dad seems taken back for a second but he soon brushes it under the carpet, as he stands to to meet Tia.
'Welcome Luna Tia' he takes her hand and kisses it.
'Oh and congratulations to you both on the baby' my Dad says as he lets her hand go and returns to his seat.
'Thank you...' Tia blushes, poor girl this is too much for anyone being attacked by a crazy mother in law at least the father in law wasn't as bad.
'I can't wait to be called Grandma' my mum says, as she enters the room with baby and wedding magazine, I guess she wants to plan some shit. I roll my eyes, I am just sick of this while they are all busy playing happy family I go upstairs to my room, and have my date with my bed, boy have I missed it.

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