Chapter Twenty Five

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'Right now my main problem is taken care of we are all going to sit down, Tia you don't need to be here' we are still sitting in the living room and Alex has finally returned from his problem whatever that could be.
'No I need to be here for Max' he nods
'Ok but any problems or anything you are to leave the room my mother is waiting in the hall to see me and Max.' I am a bit confused by this as he very rarely involves our mother in anything.
'Alex I am fine' Tia reassure him.
'Tia I mean it. So firstly I am Alex Alpha of this pack, my mate Tia and my brother max, you are?' He says point to us.
'I am Sofia, I told you my back story earlier Alpha.' She says with a smile.
'Yes, I am aware so your mother is human and we are guessing your dad was the wolf?'
'Correct mr Alpha'
'And the mate bond with my brother?' Alex question her.
'It's nothing special my wolf recognises him as a mate but yet I don't really feel a pull'
'Max?' Thats him asking for my view on this mate bond.
'Same there is no pull, but my wolf does recognise her as my mate'
'Oh wow so the doctor could be right' Tia says
'Doctor?' Sofia questions Tia.
'One of our pack doctor has a theory that if your parents aren't true mates then you get two mates a human one and a wolf one.' Tia explains
'And?' Sofia seems confused.
'Well that's what we want to know, if your wolves want each other or not, now Max has a pull to Lily so at the minute it seems his wolf see her as a mate.' Alex explains to her.
'Good I don't want him' I laugh at Sofia response I guess we are both on the same page here.
'But I need to give you guys a shot at this, so I am planning on putting you both in a house for a week just to see if anything happens' what I can't believe what I am hearing, if we both feel the same at the moment how can anything change.
'Great we are some sort of freak experiment' Sofia mutters.
'No no I've seen wolves first hand get crazy over their mates I want to do what's best for you two and Lily.' Alex explains.
'Great so I have to stay here a week what about my friends?' Sofia moans.
'I've sorted it so they can stay here while u are here, they'll have a place to stay and food to eat and if anyone of you decide to stay you are more than welcome too' Alex explains and Sofia nods.
'And Lily can I see her before I stay with Sofia?' I ask Alex.
'No she's gone' Alex tells me.

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