Chapter Twenty Seven

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Five days me and Sofia have been here, with no contact from the outside.
'Max I think we need to talk' Sofia approaches me.
'Yup' she joins me at the table.
'So...' she puts her hand up.
'This isn't working for me, I see you as a friend my wolf feels more like a sister to your wolf than a mate...' thank god.
'I know I feel the same..' I smile at her.
'And I think your depressed from missing your mate Lily so in my eyes this little experiment is over.' I shake her hand
'Thank you I am so happy I agree and we both feel the same, I honestly can't thank you enough' we both stand up and pack our things, well I pack up mine.
'Keep the clothes Sofia Alex won't mine.' She laughs back at me.
'It's kinda hard to travel with clothes Mac' she laughs, but she does pack up the suitcase her clothes was given to her in.
'You ready to face the world again?' I ask her.
'Yeah, you know this isn't a bad place' I look I her I don't know what she's thinking, and to be honest I don't care my wolf is excited, fuck I am too my mate is Lily. We take the long walk back to the alpha house so Sofia can have a good look at the pack lands, hey her request not mine. I walk into the living room and find my mother there.
'Oh Max how are u and Sofia?' She ask
'We are good is Alex about?' I ask her.
'He is somewhere, you know what he's like' my mother replies.
'I am here, I don't think your week is up yet though? Last time I checked a week was seven days not five, you both still have two days left, care to explain this I'm visit.' Alex says in his Alpha tones.
'Alpha with all do respect but this experiment isn't working for us, my wolf thinks more of him as a brother than anything' Alex nods
'I see Sofia, my other beta Richard is now coming to take you to the guest house your friends are in, obviously I would like a word with you guys before you leave on Saturday' Sofia smile.
'Of course alpha thank you for trying to make it work for us, though you do have a good pack here be hard to leave' she bows and walks out of the room, meeting Richard by the front door. I watch as Alex eyes slowly turn red, I know what's coming.
'Alex...' before I can say anything more I am pinned to a wall.
'You touch my mate or pup again I will kill you' his grip tightens on my throat.
'Alex you promised you would be nice when you saw him' our mother is panicking.
'I lied mother. I am protecting what's mine' he growls at her.
'And does she know that u have banned her from seeing him?' Mother questions him.
'My mate I'll decide what she can do' Alex growls again.
'You decide what exactly?' In walks Tia, and oh my god in a week her bump look huge.
'Alex baby why are you holding onto Max's throat? Max why are you out? Where is Sofia?' Questions Tia.
'Protecting whats mine' Alex growls I roll my eyes stupid mate bond.
'Alex for fuck sake it was an accident, let him go'
Alex tightens his grip and let's me go, I struggle to get my breath back as Tia comes to hug me.
'Woah no Tia I ain't allowed near u!' I say as I back away from her.
'What Alex why?' Tia punches his shoulder, dammm she brave.
'He hurt you' Tia shakes her head.
'No he reacted like any male would do if his mate was taken and if I remember rightly u know how that feels' Alex opens and closes his mouth, I smile to myself. I love how that lady can put mr big Alpha in his place.
'I guess your right' Alex hugs her.
'I am fine our pup is fine, now let me hug my brother and plan Lily's return with him' she kisses Alex's cheek. Alex instantly blushes.
'Anything for my Queen' Alex replies.
'So get here I great big idiot' I smile and hug Tia.
'How did you know it's Lily?' Tia smiles
'I knew from they moment you meet her' at least someone believed me.
'Thank you for being a friend to her Tia, thanks for trying to protect her'
'Shhh forget it now let's plan her return.... Alex is paying' Tia says with a smile.

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